Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 25-0100   
Type: Report to Council Status: Public Hearing/General Business
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 1/14/2025
Title: Annual Public Hearing-Discussion of Potential Council Study Issues and Budget Proposals for Calendar Year 2025
Attachments: 1. Proposed 2025 Study Issue Papers and Budget Proposals, 2. Presentation to Council RTC No 25-0100 - 20250114




Annual Public Hearing-Discussion of Potential Council Study Issues and Budget Proposals for Calendar Year 2025




A study issue is a topic of concern that can result in a new City policy or a revision to an existing policy. A budget proposal represents a new City service or a change in the level of an existing City service (including possible service reduction or elimination). The annual study issues and budget proposals process provides a structured approach for identifying, prioritizing, and analyzing policy issues important to the community, and evaluating potential changes to City services. It provides a method for allocating limited time and resources to address the highest priorities among the large number of issues that are raised each year.


Study issues and budget proposals may be proposed year-round by Council, boards and commissions, the City Manager, or the public with support from Council. Staff prepares brief papers on study issues and budget proposals to summarize the issue and any potential fiscal impacts. These provide information Council will use to determine whether to further explore each issue. Study issue papers are shared with boards and commissions prior to Council’s annual workshop. They review and rank proposed study issues related to their scope of work; these rankings are forwarded to Council for consideration.


During an annual workshop, scheduled for February 13 this year, Council reviews and ranks study issues to advance during the year ahead and identifies budget proposals to be forwarded to the City Manager for consideration in the upcoming budget (FY 2025/26).


The annual public hearing on study issues and budget proposals occurs prior to the annual workshop. It provides the opportunity for members of the public to comment on proposed study issues or budget proposals, and/or to suggest potential new issues or proposals. The public may provide further testimony regarding study issues and budget proposals during the February 13, 2025 Annual Study Issues and Budget Proposal Workshop.


To help guide decision making, staff recommends that Council continue to focus on prioritizing study issues and budget proposals that align with existing policy priorities. City Council will review and update current Council Strategic Priorities during their Strategic Priorities Workshop on March 13, 2025. The Council Strategic Priorities established in 2024 include:




1. Civic Center Modernization

2. Ability of Infrastructure to Support Development and Traffic

3. Accelerating Climate Action, the Active Transportation Plan and Vision Zero Plan

4. Support the Unhoused Community

5. Downtown Sunnyvale

6. Equity, Access and Inclusion



Council Policy 7.3.26 Study Issues Process

Council Policy 7.1.7 Budget Proposal Process



The action being considered does not constitute a "project" with the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378 (b) (5) in that it is a governmental organizational or administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the environment.



Staff has prepared study issue and budget proposal papers proposed to date; materials can be viewed on the City’s Website under Study Issues and Budget Proposals (Attachment 1), at the Sunnyvale Public Library, or at the City Clerk’s office.


Status of Current Study Issues and Budget Proposals

During last year’s Study Issues process, 37 new and continuing Study Issues were approved for advancement. Subsequently, on April 9, 2024, Council dropped ITD 23-01 Access Sunnyvale Customer Relationship Management System Upgrade to include access designed for Mobile Apps (via RTC 24-0429).


To date, five (5) of the remaining 36 Study Issues have been completed and 31 Study Issues are currently in progress. Staff will continue to advance the 31 Study Issues and will seek guidance from Council on prioritizing significant work efforts through the 2025 Council Strategic Priorities process.


The 31 Study Issues are managed across seven (7) departments with the lead department noted, though many study issues are interdepartmental in nature and require contributions from more than one department. All receive oversight from and coordination with the Office of the City Manager.












Summary Tables


*OCM: Office of the City Manager; CDD: Community Development Department; ESD: Environmental Services Department; ITD: Information Technology Department; LRS: Library and Recreation Services; DPW: Department of Public Works; DPS: Department of Public Safety


As of December 2024, 40 study issues** and 3 budget proposals are proposed for consideration at the 2025 Study Issues and Budget Proposals Workshop (in addition to the 31 study issues currently underway). The following is a summary of the status of these new Study Issues as of the writing of this report.



Study Issue #

Study Issue Title

Lead Dept

Staff Recommendation

Cost of Study

Council Strategic Priority  (At time of sponsorship)

CDD 18-02

Update and Review of the Heritage Resource Inventory





CDD 22-05

Consider Modifications to the Sunnyvale Municipal Code Related to Undergrounding Utilities




 Yes - Ability of Infrastructure to Support Development and Traffic

CDD 24-02

Explore the Creation of a Dark Sky Ordinance for all Private Property





CDD 24-04

Peery Park Specific Plan Amendment (area east of Mathilda Avenue)





CDD 24-05

Review of Appeals Fees and Processes





CDD 24-06

Re-evaluate Nonresidential Sign Code Standards and Compliance with the First Amendment





CDD 25-01

Affordable Housing for Sunnyvale School Personnel



 $ -  


CDD 25-02

Identify Opportunities for Allowing Neighborhood-Serving Commercial Uses in Residential Zoning Districts




 Yes - Ability of Infrastructure to Support Development and Traffic; Accelerating Climate Action, the Active Transportation Plan and Vision Zero Plan; Equity, Access and Inclusion

CDD 25-03

Allow Commercial Marijuana Activities in Certain Zoning Districts





CDD 25-04

Expanding the Role of the Heritage Preservation Commission





DPS 24-01

Evaluate an Ordinance or Resolution Allowing Traffic Enforcement on Private Roadways in the Moffett Park Specific Plan Area



 $ -  

 Yes - Accelerating Climate Action, the Active Transportation Plan and Vision Zero Plan

DPS 24-03

Evaluate Vehicle Abatement Program Service Delivery and Explore Ways to Improve Service



 $ -  


DPS 25-01

Evaluate the Addition of Paramedic Services to Supplement the County Provided Services for Sunnyvale Residents and Businesses





DPW 20-03

Waste Reduction Initiative in Sunnyvale Parks




 Yes - Accelerating Climate Action 

DPW 22-08

Evaluate the Council Policy for Naming City Parks to Incorporate More Diverse Cultural History and Develop a Policy for Renaming Existing Parks



 $ -  

 Yes - Equity, Access and Inclusion

DPW 23-07

Evaluate the Feasibility of an Ordinance to Ban the Use of Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers and Other Small Two-Stroke Motors Within the City Limits of Sunnyvale




 Yes - Accelerating Climate Action, the Active Transportation Plan and Vision Zero Plan

DPW 24-01

Evaluate Feasibility of an Arts Crosswalk Program or Policy





DPW 24-02

Complete Streets Redesign of Fair Oaks Avenue




 Yes - Accelerating Climate Action, the Active Transportation Plan and Vision Zero Plan

DPW 24-03

Create a Council Policy Framework to Establish a Process for Evaluating Requests for City to Take Over Private Infrastructure Based on Potential Offers of Dedication in the Moffett Park Specific Plan Area





DPW 24-04

Evaluate Late Night Lights at Public Parks





DPW 24-07

Explore the Benefits and Costs of Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) to Establish the Terms and Conditions of Employment for Specific City Construction Projects





DPW 24-10

Evaluate a Red Curb Painting Request Process and Utilization of Volunteers to Paint Curbs





DPW 24-11

Sunnyvale Gateway Program





DPW 25-01

Fair Oaks Avenue Signalizations at Three Locations




 Yes - Accelerating Climate Action, the Active Transportation Plan and Vision Zero Plan

DPW 25-02

Improved Street Sweeping Pilot





DPW 25-03

Evaluate and Improve Sidewalk Maintenance





DPW 25-04

Closing the Sunnyvale Avenue Caltrain Crossing to Vehicles





DPW 25-05

Sweeping Protected Bike Lanes




 Yes - Accelerating Climate Action, the Active Transportation Plan and Vision Zero Plan

DPW 25-06

Assessment of Underutilized City-Owned Real Estate Parcels along Evelyn Avenue near Downtown for Short or Long-term Use





DPW 25-07

Public Benches for Increased Senior Citizen Mobility





DPW 25-08

Evaluate Expanded Downtown Sunnyvale Pedestrian Mall





ESD 22-02

Promotion and Assessment of Sustainable Landscaping Strategies




 Yes - Accelerating Climate Action, the Active Transportation Plan and Vision Zero Plan

ESD 24-02

Evaluate Adopting Transit-Supportive Policies for Sunnyvale




 Yes - Accelerating Climate Action, the Active Transportation Plan and Vision Zero Plan

ESD 25-01

Harnessing the Potential of Community Art to Further Community Sustainability Goals




 Yes - Accelerating Climate Action, the Active Transportation Plan and Vision Zero Plan

ESD 25-02

Cigarette Butt Abatement Program





ITD 25-01

Cell Coverage Mapping




 Yes - Equity, Access and Inclusion

LRS 25-01

Evaluate Expansion of City-Funded and Facilitated Cultural Events in City Parks and Facilities



 $ -  

 Yes - Equity, Access and Inclusion

LRS 25-02

Aligning Public Art with Sunnyvale's Sustainability Commitment




 Yes - Accelerating Climate Action, the Active Transportation Plan and Vision Zero Plan

OCM 24-01

North Sunnyvale Quality of Life Improvement Master Plan




 Yes - Equity, Access and Inclusion

OCM 25-01

Explore Establishing a Japanese American Incarceration Memorial in Sunnyvale





**Study Issue papers are subject to change by the City Manager.


Study Issues/Budget Proposals Public Hearing

The purpose of the hearing is to invite public comment on the relative importance of proposed issues and proposals, and for the public to have an opportunity to suggest new issues or proposals for Council’s consideration. Issues and proposals introduced by the public must be sponsored by at least two Councilmembers to be considered at the Study Issues and Budget Proposals Workshop in February. Staff has advised the board and commission chairs during recent commission training and meeting presentations that the workshop is also the appropriate time for them to testify on issues and proposals recommended by their board or commission.


Should new issues or budget proposals be added during this public hearing, those issue papers or proposals will be written and posted online prior to the February 13 workshop.

Pursuant to Council Policy 7.3.26 Study Issues Process, new Council-proposed study issue topics must be sponsored no later than three weeks in advance of the annual study issues workshop. Since there is no Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 21, 2025, or Thursday, January 23, 2025, the deadline for Council-initiated study issues or budget proposals is during this public hearing.




Study Issues and Budget Proposals Workshop and Next Steps

On February 13, 2025, Council will conduct a workshop dedicated to the review of all proposed study issues and budget proposals. Council will prioritize or rank study issues that are not dropped or deferred. Budget proposals receiving majority support from Council will be forwarded to the City Manager for consideration in the upcoming fiscal year’s recommended budget.


Following the February Council workshop, based on Council’s priority rankings the City Manager identifies the number of Council-ranked study issues that can be completed during the calendar year without disrupting service delivery or modifying service levels set by Council (and taking into consideration the existing study issues underway). The City Manager will advise Council of staff’s capacity for completing ranked issues indicating what can be pursued and outlining any associated resource needs for consideration in the budget process. This year, the Council Strategic Priorities Workshop in March will also serve to coordinate Study Issue resourcing and Strategic Priority definition and resourcing. 


On an ongoing basis, staff updates the Tentative Council Meeting Agenda Calendar, identifying when the results of staff’s study of specific policy issues will be brought back to Council for action.


All budget proposals referred to the City Manager are returned for Council’s consideration as part of the City Manager’s Recommended Budget for the next fiscal year in the form of budget supplements. These supplements are considered by the City Manager in the context of all other budgetary needs and may or may not be recommended by the City Manager for funding.


Staff in is the process of working on OCM 24-02 Evaluate the City of Sunnyvale Study Issues Process. This Study will assist the City in determining whether the current Study Issues Process is an efficient and effective way for identifying, prioritizing, and analyzing policy issues, and where improvements may be warranted. The Request for Proposal (RFP) closes January 8, 2025.



There is no fiscal impact associated with this report. Each issue paper provides information regarding fiscal impact where warranted, including an estimated cost of studying the issue and estimated implementation costs if known. Any Council-prioritized study issues that require funding and are advanced by the City Manager are submitted as a budget supplement to be considered within the context of all new requests for funding in the FY 2025/26 Recommended Budget.



Public contact was made by posting the Council meeting agenda on the City's official-notice bulletin board at City Hall, at the Sunnyvale Public Library and in the Department of Public Safety Lobby. In addition, the agenda and this report are available at the NOVA Workforce Services reception desk located on the first floor of City Hall at 456 W. Olive Avenue (during normal business hours), and on the City's website. Staff also completed outreach to boards and commissions regarding this public hearing item.


The public hearing is open to the public and public testimony regarding study issues and budget proposals will be heard by Council. The February 13 workshop is open to the public and will be televised live and rebroadcast on KSUN, Channel 15. Public testimony will be provided at the beginning of the workshop.




No action is needed at this time. Councilmembers may request that new study issues and/or budget proposals be developed for review at the annual Study Issues and Budget Proposals Workshop; a minimum of two Councilmembers is required to sponsor either.


Levine Act


The Levine Act (Gov. Code Section 84308) prohibits city officials from participating in certain decisions regarding licenses, permits, and other entitlements for use if the official has received a campaign contribution of more than $500 from a party, participant, or agent of a party or participant in the previous 12 months. The Levine Act is intended to prevent financial influence on decisions that affect specific, identifiable persons or participants. For more information see the Fair Political Practices Commission website: www.fppc.ca.gov/learn/pay-to-play-limits-and-prohibitions.html


A check in the checklist below indicates that the action being considered falls under a Levine Act category or exemption:



___ Land development entitlements

___ Other permit, license, or entitlement for use

___ Contract or franchise



___ Competitively bid contract

___ Labor or personal employment contract

___ Contract less than $50,000 or non-fiscal

___ Contract between public agencies

_X  General policy and legislative actions



Prepared by: Michelle Zahraie, Senior Management Analyst

Reviewed by: Sarah Johnson-Rios, Assistant City Manager

Approved by: Tim Kirby, City Manager





1.                     Proposed 2025 Study Issue Papers and Budget Proposals