Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 15-0239   
Type: Agenda Item Status: Passed
Meeting Body: Housing and Human Services Commission
On agenda: 2/25/2015
Title: Review Draft 2015 Request for Proposals (RFP) for New Affordable Housing Projects and Homeless Prevention/Rapid-Rehousing Program(s)
Attachments: 1. Draft 2015 RFP for New Affordable Housing Projects and Homeless Prevention/Rapid-Rehousing Programs(s)
Related files: 14-0218, 15-0429
Review Draft 2015 Request for Proposals (RFP) for New Affordable Housing Projects and Homeless Prevention/Rapid-Rehousing Program(s)
The Commission reviewed and approved a similar RFP on February 26, 2014. The funding made available through that RFP is anticipated to be exhausted (based on existing and anticipated conditional commitments) within the current fiscal year.  Council is scheduled to consider the second proposal received in response to that RFP (for 460 Persian) on March 17, 2015. The new Draft RFP is provided in Attachment 1 for commissioners' review and comment. The primary differences between the 2014 RFP and the 2015 Draft are:
·      The new Draft RFP includes three funding sources:  Housing Mitigation Funds, BMR In-Lieu Fee Funds, and Housing Successor Agency Low-Moderate Income Housing Funds (LMIHF), with a brief explanation of the eligible uses for each funding source.
·      The total funding amounts estimated to be available from each funding source in FY 2015-16, to be made available through this RFP, have been added.
·      The deadline to apply, other relevant dates, and anticipated hearing schedule have been updated.
·      Miscellaneous minor updates have been made as needed.
In other respects the RFP remains very similar to the 2014 RFP previously approved by the Commission. If any commissioner would like to suggest material changes to the Draft 2015 RFP it may be pulled from the Consent Calendar and discussed during the Regular Business portion of the meeting, following the presentations for CDBG/HOME funds.  
Approve Draft 2015 RFP for New Affordable Housing Projects and Homeless Prevention/Rapid-Rehousing Program(s)  
Prepared by: Suzanne Isé, Housing Officer
Approved by: Hanson Hom, Director, Community Development Department
1. Draft 2015 RFP for New Affordable Housing Projects and Homeless Prevention/Rapid-Rehousing Programs(s)