Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 15-0738   
Type: Report to Council Status: Passed
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 8/25/2015
Title: Approve Fair Oaks Park Master Plan Changes Related to Housing Grant Project for the Renovation/replacement of Auxiliary Restroom, Parking Lot and Associated Areas and Finding of Class 2 and Class 4 Categorical Exemptions
Attachments: 1. Fair Oaks Conceptual Design, 2. Excerpt of the August 12, 2015 Draft PRC Minutes, 3. Public Meetings Summary




Approve Fair Oaks Park Master Plan Changes Related to Housing Grant Project for the Renovation/replacement of Auxiliary Restroom, Parking Lot and Associated Areas and Finding of Class 2 and Class 4 Categorical Exemptions




This report provides an overview of the conceptual design and master plan changes for a portion of Fair Oaks Park. On December 17, 2013 City Council adopted a resolution authorizing staff to apply for a Housing Related Parks Program (HRP) Grant through the State of California’s Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) (RTC 13-293). The scope of work for the submitted project included the replacement of an auxiliary restroom, renovation of a parking lot and the replacement of lawn areas with drought tolerant landscaping. Council later adopted a resolution on April 7, 2015 authorizing the receipt of $973,525 in HRP grant funds from HCD to design and construct the improvements at Fair Oaks Park (RTC 15-0299). Council also adopted Budget Modification No. 42 to appropriate the grant funding, and awarded a contract in the amount of $144,883 to Harris Design of Berkeley to design the project and provide construction support services, with a 10% design contingency in the amount of $14,488.


City Council approval of a conceptual design (Attachment 1) will initiate the development of the detailed design and construction documents that will be used as part of the invitation to bid process for construction of the park improvements. As a conceptual design, it is likely that some features may vary in terms of size and configuration during preparation of the final design.


The Parks and Recreation Commission considered this item on August 12, 2015 (15-0596) and voted 3-0 (Attachment 2) to support staff recommendation Alternative 1: Approve the conceptual design as shown in Attachment 1.



General Plan, Chapter 3, Goal LT- 8 - Adequate and Balanced Open Space

                     Provide and maintain adequate and balanced open space and recreation facilities for the benefit of maintaining a healthy community based on community needs and the ability of the City to finance, construct, maintain and operate these facilities now and in the future.


General Plan, Chapter 3, Policy LT- 8.12

                     Utilize design and development guidelines for all park types within the City’s open space system



The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) determination for this project is a categorical exemption pursuant to Class 2, section 15302 for replacement of existing structures and facilities, and Class 4, section 15304(b) for replacement of existing landscaping with water efficient landscaping.



This project will provide for the replacement of an auxiliary restroom and renovation of surrounding areas in the southwest section of the park including the parking lot, landscaping, pathways and additional work required to connect interlinking areas. The existing restroom would be removed and replaced with a modular restroom with the same capacity and a multi-purpose area that can be used for equipment storage and concessions. The location of the restroom would be changed to an area between the sports field and the skatepark near the northeast corner of the parking lot. The area was chosen to better serve the users of those recreational facilities, and given that the Fair Oaks Park Renovation/Enhancement capital project (#830340) scheduled to start the design process this year, will address restroom needs at the North end of the park. Renovation of the parking lot would include an asphalt overlay and repair of the storm drain system. Adjacent lawn areas would be replaced with drought tolerant landscaping that will enhance park attractiveness. The proposed conceptual design is substantially the same as the existing configuration of park features except for the relocation of the restroom building.


The architect and City staff hosted two public meetings at the Fair Oaks Park multi-purpose building to gather input on desired design features and to select a preferred plan (Attachment 2).  Neighbors that attended the public meetings expressed general concerns about the size of the proposed restroom, the need for another restroom near the playground and picnic areas, and the desire for additional parking.


Board and Commission Review

The Parks and Recreation Commission discussed this item and voted 3-0 to support staff recommendation Alternative 1: Approve the conceptual design as shown in Attachment 1. Commissioners agreed that they approved of the building design and the replacement of lawns with low-water use plants. They also supported the new location of the restroom with the understanding that there would be a project in the near future with a scope of work that included a needed restroom on the north end of the park.



This project is funded by a Housing-Related Park Program (HRP) grant provided by the California Department of Housing and Community Development. Sunnyvale qualified for the grant because of the nearby development of low cost housing on the site of the old National Guard Armory.



Public contact was made by posting the Council agenda on the City's official-notice bulletin board outside City Hall, at the Sunnyvale Senior Center, Community Center and Department of Public Safety; and by making the agenda and report available at the Sunnyvale Public Library, the Office of the City Clerk and on the City's website.


Public workshops were held on May 21, 2015 and June 11, 2015 in the Fair Oaks Park Community Room (Attachment 3).



1. Approve the conceptual design as shown in Attachment 1 and make a CEQA finding of Class 2 and Class 4 categorical exemptions.

2. Provide other direction to staff as Council deems appropriate.




Alternative 1: Approve the conceptual design as shown on Attachment 1 and make a CEQA finding of Class 2 and Class 4 categorical exemptions.


The conceptual design proposed is recommended because the new restroom location will better serve park users of the athletic field and skatepark and the drought resistant landscaping will conserve water while enhancing the attractiveness of the park. The Parks and Recreation Commission unanimously approved the conceptual design because of the durable and attractive restroom building, replacement of lawn with low water-use plants and assurance that a future project would resolve restroom needs at the north end of the park.


Prepared by: Scott Morton, Superintendent of Parks and Golf

Reviewed by: Manuel Pineda, Public Works, Director

Reviewed by: Kent Steffens, Assistant City Manager

Approved by: Deanna J. Santana, City Manager



1. Fair Oaks Conceptual Design

2. Excerpt of the August 12, 2015 Draft Minutes of PRC Meeting

3. Public Meetings Summary