Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 24-0935   
Type: Report to Council Status: Consent Calendar
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 9/10/2024
Title: Adopt a Resolution Amending the City's Salary Resolution to Increase Salaries for the Classifications of Water Pollution Control Plant Division Manager and Water Pollution Control Operations Manager and Make Corresponding Changes in the Schedule of Pay
Attachments: 1. Resolution




Adopt a Resolution Amending the City’s Salary Resolution to Increase Salaries for the Classifications of Water Pollution Control Plant Division Manager and Water Pollution Control Operations Manager and Make Corresponding Changes in the Schedule of Pay




This report recommends amending the City’s Salary Resolution to increase salaries for the Water Pollution Control Plant Division Manager and Water Pollution Control Operations Manager based on the approved compensation study.



City Charter Section 1104, entitled Pay Plan, states that amendments to the pay schedule may be adopted from time to time by City Council upon the recommendation of the City Manager.



The action being considered does not constitute a “project” with the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(5) in that it is a governmental organizational or administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the environment.



In June 2024 the Office of the City Manager was presented with a compensation study request from the Environmental Services Department (ESD). This request was for a review of the Water Pollution Control Plant Division Manager and Water Pollution Control Operations Manager pay ranges for both internal and external equity.


A survey of these positions in comparable cities was conducted, and data was prepared for City Manager review. The Office of the City Manager, Human Resources, and ESD discussed survey results and recommend increasing the pay ranges. Staff recommends the pay for the Water Pollution Control Operations Manager classification be reflective of the equivalent comparable classifications in the region. Based on this study, an increase of the salary range to the current salary of $192,753 by 12% to $215,883 (Pay Range 20) is recommended. 


The proposed increase for Water Pollution Control Operations Manager would equate the classification to the same pay as the Water Pollution Control Plant Division Manager. Therefore, the City is proposing to increase the top of the Water Pollution Control Plant Division Manager salary range to $226,677. This provides a differential of 5% above the Water Pollution Control Operations Manager classification.


Both classifications are represented by the Sunnyvale Managers Association (SMA). SMA was provided notice and an opportunity to comment on the proposed salary changes for the represented classifications.



This resolution will not add any positions nor modify the budget. The increase in pay scale for the Water Pollution Control Operations Manager classification incurs an additional cost of $31,000 annually or $893,000 over 20 years. The increase in pay scale for the Water Pollution Control Plant Division Manager incurs an additional annual cost of $14,000 or $410,000 over 20 years. There is currently one Full-Time Equivalent position funded for each classification and both positions are budgeted in Fund 6081 - Wastewater Operating fund.


These costs will be absorbed in the department operating budget for FY 2024/25 and incorporated into the FY 2025/26 Recommended Budget.



Public contact was made by posting the Council meeting agenda on the City's official-notice bulletin board at City Hall, at the Sunnyvale Public Library and in the Department of Public Safety Lobby. In addition, the agenda and this report are available at the NOVA Workforce Services reception desk located on the first floor of City Hall at 456 W. Olive Avenue (during normal business hours), and on the City's website.




Adopt a Resolution amending the City’s Salary Resolution to increase Salaries for the Classifications of Water Pollution Control Plant Division Manager and Water Pollution Control Operations Manager, effective September 15, 2024.


Levine Act


The Levine Act (Gov. Code Section 84308) prohibits city officials from participating in certain decisions regarding licenses, permits, and other entitlements for use if the official has received a campaign contribution of more than $250 from a party, participant, or agent of a party or participant in the previous 12 months. The Levine Act is intended to prevent financial influence on decisions that affect specific, identifiable persons or participants. For more information see the Fair Political Practices Commission website: www.fppc.ca.gov/learn/pay-to-play-limits-and-prohibitions.html


A check or “Y” in the checklist below indicates that the action being considered falls under a Levine Act category or exemption:



___ Land development entitlements

___ Other permit, license, or entitlement for use

___ Contract or franchise



___ Competitively bid contract

_x_ Labor or personal employment contract

___ General policy and legislative actions




Prepared by: Delanie LoFranco, Human Resources Manager

Reviewed by: Tina Murphy, Director, Human Resources

Reviewed by: Dennis Jaw, Interim Director of Finance
Reviewed by: Sarah Johnson-Rios, Assistant City Manager

Approved by: Tim Kirby, City Manager



1. Resolution