Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 24-0964   
Type: Report to Board/Commission Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: Zoning Administrator Hearing
On agenda: 9/11/2024
Title: Proposed Project: SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT to demolish an existing one-story commercial building and construct a new 999 square feet one-story office building and 4,967 square feet two-story office building with podium parking. The project requests a deviation to allow 20-foot front yard setback, where 70 feet minimum is required. Location: 1689 South Wolfe Road (APN: 309-51-028) File #: 2022-7340 Zoning: C-1/PD (Neighborhood Business with a Planned Development combining district) Applicant / Owner: Joseph Bellomo Architects (applicant)/PSR Development Inc. (owners) Environmental Review: A Class 3 Categorical Exemption relieves this project from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) provisions. Project Planner: Mary Jeyaprakash, 408-730-7449, mjeyaprakash@sunnyvale.ca.gov
Attachments: 1. Vicinity and Noticing Map, 2. Project Data Table, 3. Recommended Findings, 4. Recommended Conditions of Approval, 5. Site and Architectural Plans, 6. Project Description Letter from Applicant, 7. Special Development Permit Justification Form, 8. Report to Zoning Administrator [24-0572, May 15, 2024] (without attachments), 9. Excerpt of Draft Minutes of the Zoning Administrator Meeting [24-0572, May 15, 2024], 10. Report to Zoning Administrator [24-0802, July 10, 2024] (without attachments), 11. Excerpt of Draft Minutes of the Zoning Administrator Meeting [24-0802, July 10, 2024]
Related files: 24-0802, 24-0739, 24-0572





Proposed Project:                                           

SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT to demolish an existing one-story commercial building and construct a new 999 square feet one-story office building and 4,967 square feet two-story office building with podium parking. The project requests a deviation to allow 20-foot front yard setback, where 70 feet minimum is required.

Location: 1689 South Wolfe Road (APN: 309-51-028)

File #: 2022-7340

Zoning: C-1/PD (Neighborhood Business with a Planned Development combining district)

Applicant / Owner: Joseph Bellomo Architects (applicant)/PSR Development Inc. (owners)

Environmental Review: A Class 3 Categorical Exemption relieves this project from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) provisions.

Project Planner: Mary Jeyaprakash, 408-730-7449, mjeyaprakash@sunnyvale.ca.gov




The applicant requested this item be continued to the September 11, 2024, Zoning Administrator public hearing to allow the applicant and the neighboring gas station property owner additional time to coordinate on resolving concerns related to egress/ingress and reaching an agreement. The Zoning Administrator continued this item on the July 10, 2024, Zoning Administrator public hearing, to the requested date.


As of the date of this staff report, staff has not received any communications from the applicant or the public following the Zoning Administrator public hearing. The proposed project is described in detail in the May 15, 2024, Staff Report (refer to Attachment 8) and in the July 10, 2024, Staff Report (refer to Attachment 10).



1.                     Approve the Special Development Permit with recommended Findings in Attachment 3 and recommended Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4.

2.                     Approve the Special Development Permit with modifications.

3.                     Deny the Special Development Permit.




Alternative 1. Approve the Special Development Permit with the recommended Findings in Attachment 3 and the recommended Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4.



Prepared by: Mary Jeyaprakash, Senior Planner

Approved by: Momo Ishijima, Senior Planner


1.                     Vicinity and Noticing Map

2.                     Project Data Table

3.                     Recommended Findings

4.                     Recommended Conditions of Approval

5.                     Site and Architectural Plans

6.                     Project Description Letter from Applicant

7.                     Special Development Permit Justification Form


Additional Attachments

8. Report to Zoning Administrator [24-0572, May 15, 2024] (without attachments)

9. Excerpt of Draft Minutes of the Zoning Administrator Meeting [24-0572, May 15, 2024]

10. Report to Zoning Administrator [24-0802, July 10, 2024] (without attachments)

11. Excerpt of Draft Minutes of the Zoning Administrator Meeting [24-0802, July 10, 2024]