Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 15-0774   
Type: Report to Council Status: Information Only
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 8/11/2015
Title: Appointed Members to the Sunnyvale El Camino Real Corridor Plan Advisory Committee (Information Only)
Attachments: 1. ECRPAC Member Representation Map
Related files: 15-0119
Appointed Members to the Sunnyvale El Camino Real Corridor Plan Advisory Committee (Information Only)

In March 2015 (RTC 15-0119), the City Council determined the composition of a community advisory committee to help guide the preparation of the Sunnyvale El Camino Real Corridor Plan (ECR Plan). The ECR Plan Advisory Committee (ECRPAC) will consist of four Commission representatives, three residents and three property owners/business representatives from the study area, and one resident and one property owner/business representative from the City at large, for a total of 12 members. The ECRPAC is intended to represent a broad cross-section of the community. The ECRPAC will be responsible for reviewing information, providing feedback on topics, recommending priorities and working to represent the various perspectives of the community. A Council Ad Hoc Subcommittee (Vice Mayor Martin-Milius and Councilmembers Whittum and Hendricks) was appointed to review applications and make the final selection of members to serve on the ECRPAC.

Staff met with the Council Subcommittee in May to discuss the logistics for the ECRPAC recruitment process. The Council Subcommittee reviewed the draft application form, anticipated schedule and various strategies to notify the public of the ECRPAC recruitment. The Subcommittee selected Councilmember Hendricks to chair their meetings.

The ECRPAC recruitment process for the general public began in mid-June. Staff sent approximately 22,000 postcard notices to property owners and tenants (including residents and businesses) within the ECR Plan area and within a 2,000-foot radius of the Plan area boundary. The recruitment was advertised on the City website, in the Sunnyvale Sun, through the City's social media outlets, KSUN and the various City bulletin boards. Email announcements were also sent to neighborhood associations, registered users of Open City Hall and the ECR Plan i...

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