Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 24-0794   
Type: Report to Council Status: Consent Calendar
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 9/10/2024
Title: Authorize the Issuance of a Three-Year Agreement in the Amount of $500,000 to Central Marin Sanitation Agency (CMSA) for the Disposal of Source-Separated Residential and Commercial Organic Waste from the Sunnyvale SMaRT Station(r) for the Department of Environmental Services and Finding of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Categorical Exemption Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162
Attachments: 1. Food Waste Delivery Agreement City of Sunnyvale Draft

Authorize the Issuance of a Three-Year Agreement in the Amount of $500,000 to Central Marin Sanitation Agency (CMSA) for the Disposal of Source-Separated Residential and Commercial Organic Waste from the Sunnyvale SMaRT Station(r) for the Department of Environmental Services and Finding of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Categorical Exemption Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162

Approval is requested to issue an agreement in an amount not-to-exceed $500,000 to Central Marin Sanitation Agency (CMSA) of San Rafael, for the disposal of source-separated residential and commercial food scraps. Approval is also requested to authorize the City Manager to modify and renew the agreement for two (2) additional one-year periods, not to exceed budgeted amounts, provided pricing and services remain acceptable to the City.

Pursuant to Section 2.08.040(d) of the Sunnyvale Municipal Code (SMC), Council approval is required for the procurement of goods and/or services greater than $250,000 in any one transaction.

Operation of the SMaRT Station and marketing of these organic materials would be performed in a manner consistent with the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) titled "Sunnyvale Material Recovery and Transportation Station (SMART)" dated September 14, 1990, and a subsequent addendum dated July 21, 1992 (SCH #89022812). The proposed permit will result in approximately one trip per day, five days a week. The total number of trips out of the SMaRT Station will remain significantly below the total anticipated traffic in the EIR. Delivery of organics to Sunnyvale cleanwater facilities would be accomplished by reloading the organics into transfer trucks at the SMaRT Station in the same manner that garbage is transferred to Kirby Canyon Landfill and other recyclables are shipped to markets in the US and abroad. The City is entering into hauling contracts with ex...

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