Proposed Project:
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: Redevelop a 0.62-acre commercial property. Demolish the existing fueling canopy and auto service building and construct a new 4,400 square foot fueling canopy and a 3,614 square foot one-story commercial building consisting of a 2,396 square foot convenience store, and a 1,218 square foot takeout restaurant, resulting in 34% floor area ratio (FAR).
Location: 898 East Fremont Avenue (APN: 309-10-015)
File #: 2016-7978
Zoning: C-1/PD (Neighborhood Business/Planned Development combining district)
Applicant / Owner: MI Architects, Inc. (applicant)/Petroleum Investments, LLC (owner)
Environmental Review: No additional review required pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21083 and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 15183(a) and 15168(c)(2), (3) and (4) - environmental impacts of the project are addressed in the 2016 Land Use and Transportation Element (LUTE) Environmental Impact Report (EIR - State Clearinghouse No. 2012032003).
Project Planner: Aastha Vashist, (408) 730-7458,
General Plan: Commercial
Existing Site Conditions: Automobile service station
Surrounding Land Uses
North: Three to six-story mixed use development consisting of residential, retail, and office uses (under construction)
South: Vacant site
East: Two-story hotel across South Wolfe Road
West: Three-story multi-family residential development
Issues: Compliance with City's Non-Residential Design Guidelines and neighborhood compatibility.
Staff Recommendation: Alternative 1: Make the required Findings to approve the CEQA determination that the project is consistent with the LUTE EIR and no additional environmental review is required pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21083 and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 15183(a) and 15168(c)(2), (3) and (4) as noted in Attachment 3 and approve the Special Developme...
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