Approve Acceptance of $24,000 of California Public Library Broadband Grant Funds for Purchase of Computer Network Equipment Enabling a High-Speed Broadband Internet Connection at the Sunnyvale Public Library
The City Manager applied for, and on April 17, 2015 the City's Department of Library and Community Services (LCS) was awarded, grant funds in the amount of $24,000 to partially pay for computer network equipment upgrades. The total cost of the project is $30,295. The grant requires the City to pay the $6,295 balance, which will be absorbed in the FY 2015/16 Library operating budget. The network equipment will enable the Sunnyvale Public Library to connect to the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC) broadband network and provide a high-speed 1gbps Internet connection for the public, a significant improvement from the 30mbps Internet connection that Library patrons utilize today. CENIC is a non-profit organization with the goal of advancing education and research throughout California. CENIC operates the California Research and Education Network (CalREN), which is a high-capacity fiber network that serves the California K-12 system, California community colleges, California State Universities, California's public libraries, Universities of California, Stanford, Caltech and USC.
The Library Division in the Department of Library and Community Services will be responsible for management of the grant.
Granting Agency
The granting agency is the California State Library. The Southern California Library Cooperative (SCLC) is the administrative and fiscal agent for the California State Library for this grant program.
Council Policy 7.1.5 Donations, Contributions and Sponsorships:
The city manager may apply for grants of any dollar amount, but shall notify the Council when grants are being pursued pursuant to Council Policy 7.1.1 (Fiscal -Long Ra...
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