Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 24-0903   
Type: Report to Council Status: Consent Calendar
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 9/10/2024
Title: Authorize the Issuance of a Purchase Agreement with Escape Velocity Holdings DBA Trace3 for Network Firewall Hardware Equipment and a Storage System Upgrade (F25-056)

Authorize the Issuance of a Purchase Agreement with Escape Velocity Holdings DBA Trace3 for Network Firewall Hardware Equipment and a Storage System Upgrade (F25-056)

Approval is requested to authorize the issuance of a purchase agreement to Escape Velocity Holdings DBA Trace3 of Irvine in the amount of $990,112.32 to purchase a network firewall upgrade with a management appliance and dashboard, and a storage system upgrade for a five (5) year term.

Pursuant to Section 2.08.040 of the Sunnyvale Municipal Code, Council approval is required for the procurement of goods and/or services greater than $250,000 in any one transaction.

In accordance with Sunnyvale Municipal Code Section 2.08.220(b), the purchasing officer may authorize the procurement of goods and/or services through a contract initiated by another governmental, public or quasi-public agency, provided that the original parties to the contract agree, the contract was awarded within 36 months of the date of city authorization to utilize the contract, the contract is for identical or nearly identical goods and/or services, and the contract resulted from competitive bids methods similar to those set forth in Sunnyvale Municipal Code Section 2.08.060.

The action being considered does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(5) in that it is a governmental organization or administration activity that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment.

The City's network security infrastructure is critically dependent on network perimeter-edge firewalls and storage systems to protect against external threats and ensure data integrity. The current network design uses firewalls configured in a redundant high-availability setup, along with a storage system that provi...

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