Appoint a City Representative to the Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) requests that cities appoint members to its Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). The VTA BPAC was formed in 1998 and is a 17-member committee that advises VTA's Board of Directors on planning and funding issues for bicycle and pedestrian projects in the county. Typical duties involve review of regional plans related to bicycling and walking, review of funding proposals for projects, and consideration of specialized issues of regional or cross-jurisdictional significance.
Sunnyvale has been asked to make an appointment to the VTA BPAC. The appointee will serve a two-year term, beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2018, although members may remain seated until the local jurisdiction makes a new appointment. Members must live and/or work in Santa Clara County during their term and may be re-appointed to multiple and consecutive terms. The VTA has asked that the appointee not be a staff member of either VTA or the Member Agency they represent, and that the appointee preferably be a representative of the City BPAC.
Mr. David Simons is Sunnyvale's current representative, having served in this capacity since October 1998, and is a member in good standing. Mr. Simons has communicated that he would like to continue to serve as the City's representative.
At its June 16, 2016 meeting, the Sunnyvale BPAC recommended David Simons for re-appointment to the VTA BPAC (Attachment 1 - Excerpt from Draft BPAC Meeting Minutes).
General Plan - Chapter 3 Land Use and Transportation
LT-1.3a Participate in intergovernmental activities related to regional and sub-regional land use and transportation planning in order to advance the City's interests.
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