File #: 2017-7217
Location: 617 East Evelyn Avenue (APN: 209-02-001)
Proposed Project: Appeal by the Blue Bonnet Residents Committee of a decision by the Planning Commission to conditionally approve:
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: to redevelop the Blue Bonnet Mobile Home Park to a 62-unit townhouse development with associated site improvements (net increase of eight units);
VESTING TENTATIVE MAP: to subdivide one lot into 62 lots and three common lots.
Zoning: R-3/PD - Medium Density Residential / Planned Development
Applicant / Owner: East Dunne Investors, LLC (applicant) / Chien-Nan and Sue Chuang Trustee (owners)
Environmental Review: Mitigated Negative Declaration
Project Planner: Momoko Ishijima, (408) 730-7532,
This Special Development Permit and Vesting Tentative Map were considered by the Planning Commission on April 23, 2018. The Report to the Planning Commission (PC) can be found in Attachment 11. Minutes of the Planning Commission public hearing can be found in Attachment 12. The project was approved by the Planning Commission with a vote of 4-3 with the following modifications to the Conditions of Approval (COA):
1. Prior to the issuance of a Building permit, developer will review the current perimeter trees with the Staff to identify any additional trees to be saved; (Added as COA PS-5)
2. Geometric stamping patterns for the pedestrian and vehicle through ways will be implemented, ideally with different treatments for differentiation; and, (Added as COA PS-5)
3. Add a COA to specify the use of native tree species, specifically those which will maximize the canopy height. (Added as COA PS-5)
The conditions of approval have been revised to reflect the Planning Commission action (Attachment 4).
On May 2, 2018, the project was appealed by the Blue Bonnet Residents Committee. The letter of appeal is included as Attachment 13. The appellant st...
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