Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 25-0293   
Type: Report to Council Status: Passed
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 2/4/2025
Title: Adopt Ordinance No. 3234-25 to Amend the Precise Zoning Plan, Zoning District Map (Section 19.16.050) to Re-Zone Certain Properties with Legal Nonconforming Residential Uses and Located at 411, 415 and 421 Charles Street, 433, 434, 437 and 440 Waverly Street, 572, 602, 656, 702 and 798 West Iowa Avenue, 428, 432 and 435 Florence Street, and 1301-1320 Oxbow Court, from the Office/Planned Development (O/PD) Zoning District to the R-2 Low Medium Density Residential/ Planned Development (R-2/PD) Zoning District; to Re-Zone Those Certain Properties Located at 260, 280, 286 and 290 North Pastoria Avenue from Peery Park Specific Plan-Mixed Industry Core (PPSP-MIC) to the R-0 Low Density Residential Zoning District; and to Re-Zone that Certain Property at 591 South Murphy Avenue from El Camino Real Specific Plan - Commercial (ECR-C) to the R-2 Low Medium Density Residential and O Office (R-2/O) Zoning District
Attachments: 1. ORD 3234-25
Adopt Ordinance No. 3234-25 to Amend the Precise Zoning Plan, Zoning District Map (Section 19.16.050) to Re-Zone Certain Properties with Legal Nonconforming Residential Uses and Located at 411, 415 and 421 Charles Street, 433, 434, 437 and 440 Waverly Street, 572, 602, 656, 702 and 798 West Iowa Avenue, 428, 432 and 435 Florence Street, and 1301-1320 Oxbow Court, from the Office/Planned Development (O/PD) Zoning District to the R-2 Low Medium Density Residential/ Planned Development (R-2/PD) Zoning District; to Re-Zone Those Certain Properties Located at 260, 280, 286 and 290 North Pastoria Avenue from Peery Park Specific Plan-Mixed Industry Core (PPSP-MIC) to the R-0 Low Density Residential Zoning District; and to Re-Zone that Certain Property at 591 South Murphy Avenue from El Camino Real Specific Plan - Commercial (ECR-C) to the R-2 Low Medium Density Residential and O Office (R-2/O) Zoning District

The attached Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on January 28, 2025 with the following vote: 7-0

Adopt Ordinance No. 3234-25 to Amend the Precise Zoning Plan, Zoning District Map (Section 19.16.050) to Re-Zone certain properties with legal nonconforming residential uses and located at 411, 415 and 421 Charles Street, 433, 434, 437 and 440 Waverly Street, 572, 602, 656, 702 and 798 West Iowa Avenue, 428, 432 and 435 Florence Street, and 1301-1320 Oxbow Court, from the Office/Planned Development (O/PD) Zoning District to the R-2 Low Medium Density Residential/ Planned Development (R-2/PD) Zoning District; to Re-Zone those certain Properties Located at 260, 280, 286 and 290 North Pastoria Avenue from Peery Park Specific Plan-Mixed Industry Core (PPSP-MIC) to the R-0 Low Density Residential Zoning District; and to Re-Zone that Certain Property at 591 South Murphy Avenue from El Camino Real Specific Plan - Commercial (ECR-C) to the R-2 Low Medium Density Residenti...

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