Consider and Approve Amendments to Council Policy 1.2.4 (Traffic Calming) to Update Policy Purpose, Thresholds, Measures, and Process (Study Issue DPW 22-06)
The Study examined traffic calming programs and best practices from eight (8) comparable cities within the Bay Area and compared them to Sunnyvale's policy and program. The Study compared roadway classification criteria, speed and volume thresholds, traffic calming measures, implementation stages and procedures. Attachment 1 is the draft final report.
After reviewing all the information gathered and feedback received, Staff recommends the following changes to the City's Traffic Calming Policy and Program:
* Update the traffic calming definition and add program objectives.
* Maintain the 50% petition requirement to initiate Stage 1 Traffic Calming Study.
* Expand the program to include Residential Collectors with only a speed threshold (no volume threshold).
* Select Stage 2 traffic calming measures that would manage speed but would not negatively impact emergency vehicle access and response time.
* Remove the 95th percentile speed threshold and refine the 85th percentile speed threshold language for local residential streets.
* Add Community Outreach and Education to the Stage 1 Traffic Calming Measure toolkit and Raised Intersection to the Stage 2 Traffic Calming Measure toolkit.
* Remove the "100% resident support living within 100 feet of a proposed Stage 2 Traffic Calming Measure" requirement.
* Improve the program communication by developing and maintaining project webpage.
Council adopted Council Policy 1.2.4 Traffic Calming in February 1997 (RTC No. 97-409) to assist in the consideration and implementation of traffic calming measures in residential neighborhoods where speed limits are currently set at 25mph. Anything with a higher speed limit is not classified as a local residential street and therefore not considered eligible fo...
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