Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 24-0821   
Type: Report to Council Status: Public Hearing/General Business
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 9/10/2024
Title: Consider Modifying the Scope of Work for Study Issue ESD 24-01: Evaluate the Use of Artificial Turf Versus Living Groundcovers and Approve Budget Modification No. 6 in the Amount of $50,000
Attachments: 1. ESD 24-01 – Evaluate the Use of Artificial Turf versus Living Groundcovers, 2. ESD 24-01-proposed_amendment

Consider Modifying the Scope of Work for Study Issue ESD 24-01: Evaluate the Use of Artificial Turf Versus Living Groundcovers and Approve Budget Modification No. 6 in the Amount of $50,000

As part of the annual FY 2024-25 budget, the City Council approved Study Issue ESD 24-01 - Evaluate the Use of Artificial Turf versus Living Groundcovers (Study Issue ESD 24-01). The study will analyze the benefits and challenges regarding the installation and use of artificial turf on private and public properties. The Study Issue will also provide recommendations for the City to develop a policy regarding the use of artificial turf. The anticipated completion of Study Issue ESD 24-01 is June 2026.

At the August 27, 2024, City Council meeting on Agenda Item 24-0824, Consider a New Council Policy to Ban the Use of Artificial Turf at City Facilities and Open Space, the City Council voted to approve Alternative 2 - Do not approve the proposed policy and defer the decision pending the completion of Study Issue ESD 24-01. The City Council also directed staff to propose an amendment to ESD Study Issue 24-01 to evaluate and analyze options for improved maintenance practices that would maximize the quality and use of the City's current natural grass athletic fields and options for future construction of natural grass athletic fields.


The action being considered does not constitute a "project" with the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that studying the benefits and challenges of artificial turf will have a significant effect on the environment within the meaning of CEQA.

Currently, the City has artificial turf at Fair Oaks Park; the playgrounds located at the Magical Bridge All-inclusive Playground and Muwekma Park; a small patch at Orch...

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