Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 14-0838   
Type: Report to Council Status: Passed
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 9/30/2014
Title: Authorization to Accept $651,000 Contract to Administer Workforce Investment Act Operations for the County of San Mateo
Attachments: 1. NOVA-San Mateo Contract

Authorization to Accept $651,000 Contract to Administer Workforce Investment Act Operations for the County of San Mateo


The North Valley (NOVA) Workforce Investment Board (WIB) and the San Mateo County Workforce Investment Board share many common characteristics in demographics, workforce needs and industry mix, with each offering unique expertise targeting higher-skilled and disadvantaged workers, respectively. For this reason, NOVA has worked in collaboration with the San Mateo County WIB on a number of projects in recent years and many of its residents have sought out NOVA's ProMatch program for dislocated workers from the professional fields. In addition, NOVA and the San Mateo County WIB have jointly applied for and implemented several grant opportunities in the past. With the growing trend in regionalism, collaboration among local WIBs is not only encouraged by the State and U.S. Department of Labor, but will now be required under the new federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

Recently, San Mateo County decided to outsource the administration and provision of its Workforce Investment Act (WIA) responsibilities. After lengthy deliberations between NOVA's Director Kris Stadelman and her San Mateo counterpart Nicole Pollack, San Mateo formally asked NOVA to administer its WIA operations.

Council Policy 5.1.1: Socio-Economic - Goals and Policies: Education and Training Goal 5.1F: Provide job training and employment services, within constraints of operative Federal regulations and available Federal funding, to address the locally-determined employment and training needs of economically disadvantaged residents and others with special needs.


San Mateo County is seeking a contract for NOVA to assume responsibility for oversight and administration of all WIA services, on behalf of the County of San Mateo, including: programmat...

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