Authorization to Modify Existing Contracts for Temporary Personnel Placement Services for Plan Checkers and Building Inspectors (F14-72)
Approval is requested to modify existing temporary personnel placement services contract with 4-Leaf Inc. and Shums Coda Associates by extending the contracts for a one-year period. Approval is also requested to delegate authority to the City Manager to renew the contracts for three additional one-year periods, subject to the funding restrictions explained below.
In response to significantly increased building activity, Council approved a Budget Modification in August 2012 in the amount of $933,760 to appropriate additional construction permitting revenue for contract/casual staff to augment staffing levels in the Building and Fire Prevention Divisions (RTC No. 12-192). Following this, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was conducted, and Council awarded three contracts for plan checkers, building inspectors and fire protection systems inspectors in November 2012 (RTC No. 23-260). The contracts were issued for $200,000 each to the following firms: 4-Leaf Inc., Shums Coda Associates, and CSG Consultants, Inc.
At the time of the 2012 contract award, Council delegated authority to the City Manager to modify the contract amounts (up or down), not to exceed the total budget amount of $933,760, and to renew the agreements for a period not-to-exceed one year. The one-year renewal option has been exercised, but there is still a need for temporary staffing, and there is sufficient funding from the 2012 appropriation for another year. The 4-Leaf contract has been utilized the most due to temporary staff availability and fit, so it will be increased by $87,000 while the Shums Coda contract will be reduced by a like amount. The CSG contract will not be extended.
The agreement amendments in Attachment 1 make several modifica...
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