Proposed Amendment to Title 6 (Animals) of the Sunnyvale Municipal Code to Modernize and Reorganize Content
Staff from the Department of Public Safety, Animal Control Unit, and the Office of the City Attorney have worked collaboratively for several years to produce a complete update and revision of Title 6 (Animals) of the Sunnyvale Municipal Code. The last comprehensive update to Title 6 occurred in the 1970s. Since that time, many laws, policies, and procedures have changed related to animal care, control, and welfare. Additionally, several of the proposed updates reflect land use changes and the substantial growth of the City's population, increasing from 96,000 to 155,000, since the 1970s.
General Plan
Chapter 4, Community Character, Policy CC-1.6 Maintain City neighborhoods as safe, healthy places to live.
Chapter 6, Safety and Noise, Goal SN-3 Safe and Secure City. Ensure a safe and secure environment for people and property in the community by providing effective public safety response and prevention and education services.
Chapter 6, Safety and Noise, Policy SN-4-2 Provide for assessment of changing community needs and expectations.
The action being considered does not constitute a "project" with the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(5) in that it is a governmental organizational or administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the environment.
The proposed update to Tile 6 (Attachment 1) includes new, updated, and modernized regulations that reflect contemporary and industry standards, as well as provides consistency with other local municipalities. Staff also proposes reorganizing content to make Title 6 easier to use, follow, and understand.
The proposed update covers a wide variety of subjects such as the proper and adequate care of animals, ma...
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