Biological Constraints and Opportunities Analysis for the Sunnyvale Landfill and Baylands Park and Protecting Burrowing Owl Habitat on City Facilities (Study Issue)
On December 17, 2013, staff presented to Council a feasibility study for establishing a community farm for children, Animal Assisted Happiness (AAH), and alternative recreational uses at the Sunnyvale Landfill (Landfill)(2013 Council Study Issue DPW 13-13, Attachment 1 and Council Report 13-311, Attachment 9). The study analyzed four different uses, each with different levels of feasibility and intensity. The study focused on key elements including infrastructure requirements, access, parking, compatibility with the Landfill, constructability, and cost. Council considered the feasibility of the different land uses and gave authorization to further evaluate the technical feasibility of constructing low impact park enhancements such as shade structures, benches, water fountains, and trail connections at the landfill. In addition, since the landfill was not a feasible location for AAH, Council directed staff to explore Baylands Park (Baylands) as a possible location.
As part of community input and Council discussion a number of concerns were highlighted regarding the existing animal habitat at the Landfill and the possible effects of constructing park enhancements and AAH. To address those concerns, Council directed that a habitat protection plan for the park and Landfill be completed prior to considering or moving forward with new uses at the sites. On March 25, 2014 Budget Modification No. 33 in the amount of $50,000 was approved by Council to fund a Biological Constraints and Opportunities Analysis at both the Landfill and Baylands (Attachment 2).
Staff went out for a Request for Proposals in August 2014, and after negotiations with the highest ranked firm, it was determined that the previously unfunded study for 2013 Council Study I...
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