Adopt a Resolution Amending the City's Salary Resolution and the Schedule of Pay to Increase the Salary Ranges for Pay Plan Category F (Unclassified Department Directors)
Unclassified department directors (Pay Plan Category F) are at-will employees, appointed by the City Manager. They are not organized and do not negotiate for any changes to their wages, hours, and/or other terms and conditions of employment. Instead, the City Manager makes recommendations to the City Council regarding such changes on behalf of this employee group.
In September 2017, a compensation program was approved by the Council (RTC No. 17-0872), that adjusted salary ranges for department director classifications to address gender equality pay, attract talent, retain highly qualified employees, and to resolve salary compaction with bargaining unit represented positions. In September 2019, the program was amended to include the Deputy City Manager, a classification that was added in June 2018. With the salary increases other bargaining units will receive in July, the salary ranges of department directors will become out of alignment with the compensation program and philosophy that was previously adopted by Council.
This report recommends adjustments to the salary ranges for unclassified department director classifications (Pay Plan Category F) to maintain a consistent differential with bargaining unit represented positions. Adjusting the ranges does not result in a direct compensation increase but enables increased compensation to be considered by the City Manager based on performance.
Council Policy 7.3.1 Legislative Management - Goals and Policies, Goal 7.3D: Maintain a quality work force, consistent with state and federal laws, City Charter, and adopted policies in order to assure that City services are provided in an effective, efficient, and high-quality manner.
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