Proposed Project:
DESIGN REVIEW: Construct a one-story addition of 575 square feet to an existing two-story single-family home, resulting in 2,926 square feet (2,451 square feet living area and 475 square feet garage) and 49% floor area ratio (FAR).
Location: 842 Hollenbeck Avenue (APN: 201-24-011)
File #: PLNG-2024-0713
Zoning: R-0 (Low Density Residential)
Applicant / Owner: Sherman Lee (applicant) / Shih-Chieh Huang (owner)
Environmental Review: A Class 1 Categorical Exemption relieves this project from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). (CEQA Guidelines Section 15301)
Project Planner: Gabriela Ventura, (408) 730-7407,
General Plan: Low Density Residential
Existing Site Conditions: Two-story single-family home
Surrounding Land Uses
North: One- and two-story single-family homes across Hollenbeck Avenue
South: One-story single-family home
East: One-story single-family home
West: One-story single-family home
Issues: Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Staff Recommendation: Approve the Design Review based on the Recommended Findings in Attachment 3 and subject to the Recommended Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4.
Description of Proposed Project
The applicant proposes to construct a 575 square foot single-story addition to the existing single-family home, resulting in 2,926 square feet and 49% FAR (see Attachment 5 for plan set and Attachment 7 for the color and material board).
Planning Commission review is required for single-family homes and duplexes in the R-0 zoning district with a gross floor area exceeding 3,600 square feet or floor area ratios greater than 45%. See Attachment 1 for a map of the vicinity and mailing area for notices and Attachment 2 for the Project Data Table.
Present Site Conditions
The proposed project is located on a 6,000 square foot residential lot with an existing two-story si...
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