File #: 2015-7530 and 2015-7936
Location: 521 E. Weddell Drive (APN: 110-14-196), 531 E. Weddell Drive (APN: 110-14-186), 539 E. Weddell Drive (APN: 110-14-158), 1010 Morse Ave. (APN: 110-14-202)
Proposed Project:
GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT: Proposed land use designation change from Industrial to School on three parcels (521, 531, and 539 E. Weddell Drive) and from Industrial to Residential/Medium to High Density to Park on one parcel (1010 Morse Ave. - Seven Seas Park); and
REZONING from MS-POA (Industrial and Service - Places of Assembly Combining District) on three parcels (521, 531 and 539 E. Weddell Drive) and MS-ITR-R3-PD (Industrial and Service - Industrial to Residential/Medium Density Residential/Planned Development) on one parcel (1010 Morse Ave. - Seven Seas Park) to PF (Public Facilities) zoning.
Applicant / Owner: Sunnyvale International Church and Summit School (applicants) / Sunnyvale International Church (owner - 521 and 539 E. Weddell Drive), 1st Morning Light Chinese Christian Church (owner - 531 E. Weddell Drive), and City of Sunnyvale (owner - 1010 Morse Ave.)
Environmental Review: Negative Declaration
Project Planner: Momoko Ishijima, (408) 730-7532,
This item was scheduled and advertised for the City Council hearing on March 15, 2016. Planning Commission considered this item at their meeting of February 22, 2016 and suggested that commercial land use designations may be more appropriate. Staff has discussed the matter with the applicants. Staff recommends the item be continued to a date uncertain to allow time to provide additional information to the Planning Commission and City Council. New hearings, anticipated for Planning Commission in April and City Council in May, will be scheduled and re-advertised. New staff reports will be provided.
A Notice of Public Hearing was published in The Sun on January ...
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