Evaluations and Funding Recommendations for FY 2023/24 and FY 2024/25 Human Services Grants and FY 2023/24 CDBG and HOME Funding
The City of Sunnyvale receives annual entitlement grants of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Each year the City solicits proposals from local organizations to use a portion of these funds to provide eligible housing and community development services or projects to the Sunnyvale community.
In addition to the federal funds, Council biannually considers supplements to CDBG public services funding with general funds, referred to as the "Supplemental General Funds" for human services. Since FY 2019/20, Council has allocated $135,000 annually in support of outside agencies that provide community support. Every two years, the Housing and Human Services Commission (HHSC) holds a "Biennial Review of Priority Needs for Human Services" and recommends to Council to consider priorities and funding amounts for the upcoming cycle. During this review, the HHSC may request additional funding from the Council; should additional funding be awarded, the project budget will be updated. Grantees are awarded funds for two one-year contracts, with second year funding amounts contingent on performance and available funding.
The Requests for Proposals (RFP) for these funds was issued in December 2022. The City received 14 proposals for human services funding and three capital project proposals. A list of the proposals is provided in Attachment 1.
The staff scoring committee, consisting of several City staff from the Community Development and Library and Recreation Departments, evaluated the proposals based on the requirements and evaluation criteria in Council Policy 5.1.3: Human Services. In addition, the staff scoring committee referred to the priority needs described in the City's 2020-2025 Cons...
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