Adopt a Resolution Approving Installation of All-Way Stop Sign Control at Bernardo Avenue and Knickerbocker Drive, and Adopt a Finding that the Project is Exempt Under the California Environmental Quality Act
Staff received requests to study the intersection of Bernardo Avenue at Knickerbocker Drive for the possible installation of all-way stop control signs. An all-way stop sign control warrant study was conducted for this location.
The intersection of Bernardo Avenue at Knickerbocker Drive is a four-legged intersection, which is currently controlled by the two-way stop that stops Knickerbocker Drive traffic for Bernardo Avenue traffic. The land use in the vicinity of the intersection is single-family residential. Cherry Chase Elementary is located approximately four blocks to the north of the intersection. There are also high visibility crosswalks at this intersection.
Sunnyvale Municipal Code Section 10.08.190 requires that City Council approve by resolution all installations of three or four-way (multi-way) stop sign controls.
General Plan Land Use and Transportation Element, Policy LT-5.4g. Conduct periodic analyses of roadway facilities and collision data in order to assure traffic safety.
This project is exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c), minor alteration of existing highways and streets involving negligible expansion of use beyond that at the time of determination.
Bernardo Avenue is classified as a residential collector street that runs north/south from Homestead Road to Evelyn Avenue. Knickerbocker Drive is also classified as a residential collector street and generally runs east/west from El Camino Real to Hollenbeck Avenue.
Staff has received several requests from neighborhood residents to study the intersection of Bernardo Avenue at Knickerbocker Drive for the possible insta...
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