Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 24-1218   
Type: Report to Council Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: Planning Commission
On agenda: 12/9/2024
Title: REQUEST FOR A CONTINUANCE TO JANUARY 13, 2025 Proposed Project: Forward recommendations related to Study Issue CDD 23-02, Housing Element Program H45, and Land Use and Transportation Element (LUTE) Policy LT-14.5d: 1. Adopt a Resolution to: a. Change the General Plan land use designation for 591 South Murphy Avenue (APN 209-30-012) from El Camino Real Specific Plan to Low-Medium Density Residential, thereby amending the El Camino Real Specific Plan boundary; b. Change the General Plan land use designation for legal non-conforming parcels at 260 North Pastoria Avenue (APN 165-27-003), 280 North Pastoria Avenue (APN 165-27-004), 286 North Pastoria Avenue (APN 165-27-005), and 290 North Pastoria Avenue (APN 165-27-006) from Peery Park Specific Plan to Low Density Residential, thereby amending the Peery Park Specific Plan boundary; and c. Change the General Plan land use designation for certain legal non-conforming single-family and two-family dwelling sites from Office to Low-Medium ...


Proposed Project:
Forward recommendations related to Study Issue CDD 23-02, Housing Element Program H45, and Land Use and Transportation Element (LUTE) Policy LT-14.5d:

1. Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Change the General Plan land use designation for 591 South Murphy Avenue (APN 209-30-012) from El Camino Real Specific Plan to Low-Medium Density Residential, thereby amending the El Camino Real Specific Plan boundary;
b. Change the General Plan land use designation for legal non-conforming parcels at 260 North Pastoria Avenue (APN 165-27-003), 280 North Pastoria Avenue (APN 165-27-004), 286 North Pastoria Avenue (APN 165-27-005), and 290 North Pastoria Avenue (APN 165-27-006) from Peery Park Specific Plan to Low Density Residential, thereby amending the Peery Park Specific Plan boundary; and
c. Change the General Plan land use designation for certain legal non-conforming single-family and two-family dwelling sites from Office to Low-Medium Density Residential, thereby amending the General Plan Land Use Map.
2. Introduce an Ordinance to:
a. Rezone 591 South Murphy Avenue from El Camino Real - Commercial (ECR-C) to Low Medium Density Residential/Office (R-2/O);
b. Rezone legal non-conforming parcels at 260 North Pastoria Avenue, 280 North Pastoria Avenue, 286 North Pastoria Avenue, and 290 North Pastoria Avenue from Peery Park Specific Plan/Mixed Industry Core (PPSP/MIC) to Low Density Residential (R-0);
c. Rezone 27 legal non-conforming single-family and two-family dwelling sites from Administrative-Professional Office/Planned Development (O/PD) to Low Medium Density Residential (R-2);
d. Rezone sites within the Futures Study Area that have redeveloped as residential use from Industrial and Service/Industrial to Residential/Medium Density Residential/Planned Development (M-S/ITR/R-3/PD), General Industrial Zoning District (M-3/ITR/R-3/PD), or Neighborhood Business Zoning Dis...

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