Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 14-0464   
Type: Study Session Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: Planning Commission
On agenda: 4/28/2014
Title: File #: 2013-7525 Location: 280 Santa Ana Ct. (APNs: 205-33-002, -005, -007, -009, -010, -011, -012, -013, -014) Zoning: Industrial and Service (M-S) Zoning District Proposed Project: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT to allow three interconnected 6-story office buildings totaling approximately 777,000 square feet, a 6-story parking garage, and 2,541 parking spaces on a 17.84 acre site. TENTATIVE MAP Applicant/Owner: Landbank Investments, LLC Environmental Review: Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) Project Planner: David Hogan, (408) 730-7628, dhogan@sunnyvale.ca.gov Note: Overview of CEQA and the Draft EIR will be provided at the Study Session.
Sponsors: Planning Commission
Related files: 14-0693

File #: 2013-7525
Location: 280 Santa Ana Ct. (APNs: 205-33-002, -005, -007, -009, -010, -011, -012, -013, -014)
Zoning: Industrial and Service (M-S) Zoning District
Proposed Project:
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT to allow three interconnected 6-story office buildings totaling approximately 777,000 square feet, a 6-story parking garage, and 2,541 parking spaces on a 17.84 acre site.
Applicant/Owner: Landbank Investments, LLC
Environmental Review: Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)
Project Planner: David Hogan, (408) 730-7628, dhogan@sunnyvale.ca.gov
Note: Overview of CEQA and the Draft EIR will be provided at the Study Session.


This report provides information on the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and environmental impact reports (EIRs). It also includes a brief summary of the Central & Wolfe Campus Project Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR).

The purpose of this Study Session is to introduce the Planning Commission to the EIR process and the Draft EIR for the Central and Wolfe Campus Project and to answer any questions the Commission may have on the process or purpose of the DEIR. Specific comments on the accuracy or completeness of the analysis, impacts or mitigation measures in this DEIR should be reserved for written comments or for the Planning Commission public hearing on the DEIR scheduled for Wednesday, May 28, 2014.

What is CEQA?
"CEQA" stands for the California Environmental Quality Act which was adopted in 1970 and requires public agencies making decisions which could affect the physical environment to evaluate any environmental impacts before approving a project or activity. The law is implemented by the CEQA Guidelines which are frequently updated by the California State Office of Planning and Research. Compliance with CEQA is also influenced by court decisions involving CEQA issues.

What is t...

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