Introduce an Ordinance to Amend Titles 3 (Revenue and Finance) and 19 (Zoning) of the Sunnyvale Municipal Code related to the Transportation Impact Fee and Housing Impact Fees in Conjunction with the Study Issue to Evaluate the Timing of Park Dedication In-lieu Fee Calculation and Payment (2015-7151)
On September 30, 2014, while discussing the fair market land value for the Park Dedication In-Lieu Fee, the City Council sponsored a study issue to evaluate the timing of park dedication in-lieu fees calculation and payment. During the public hearing, members of the development community requested that mitigation or impact fees be calculated at the time a planning application is determined to be complete. On January 30, 2015, the City Council approved the study issue with an expanded scope (Attachment 1) and directed staff to provide options to simplify the process of fee calculation and collection for all development related mitigation fees.
There are four mitigation fees commonly associated with development applications: Transportation Impact Fees (TIF), Housing Impact Fees (HIF), Park Dedication In-lieu Fees (PIL) and Sense of Place (SOP) fees (currently in three geographic areas). All of these impact fees are required by the Sunnyvale Municipal Code (SMC), except for Sense of Place fees that are identified by area plans and imposed by the City Council in the annual Fee Resolution and implemented through conditions of approval. Other impact fees are project specific, or may be associated with other agencies not under City control (e.g., school impact fees). This report focuses on three mitigation fees required in the SMC: TIF, HIF, and PIL for rental (no subdivision map) housing developments. The timing of SOP fee calculation can be modified administratively, depending on City Council action. Currently, the timing for calculation of these fees varies as shown in a table within the discussion s...
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