Adopt a Resolution to Certify the Programmatic Environmental Impact Report, Make the Findings Required by CEQA, Adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Monitoring Program, and Adopt the Water Pollution Control Plant Master Plan for the Sunnyvale Clean Water Program
This report provides an overview of the Water Pollution Control Plant Master Plan and Programmatic Environmental Impact Report for the Sunnyvale Clean Water Program, which will serve as a long term guide for replacing facilities at the Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP). Over the past three years, besides continued work on "gap" projects at the WPCP, staff have been working with Carollo Engineers on the Development of a Primary Treatment Facility Design, Master Plan, and Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the Sunnyvale Clean Water Program (SCWP). Staff has held several public meetings as well as two study sessions with City Council to provide updates on progress as well as treatment process selections. The Primary Treatment Facility Project was allowed to move forward on a separate path because it was replacing an existing function at the WPCP and was independent of the PEIR for the SCWP.
The SCWP is reaching another milestone with the completion of the Master Plan and PEIR. Numerous studies, technical reports, evaluations and reviews have been completed by City staff, Carollo Engineers, and the City's Program Management Consultant. The result is a series of technical documents that provide the basis of the SCWP Implementation Plan, which includes scopes for a number of projects, estimates, schedules and budgets. The Master Plan contains information on site planning, site layout, treatment process selection, basis of design, design standards, and overall program implementation. Also discussed in this report is the PEIR that the environmental sub-consultant, Environmental Science Associates (ESA), prepar...
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