Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 15-0507   
Type: Report to Council Status: Passed
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 7/14/2015
Title: Adopt a Resolution to Vacate Four Public Utility Easements at 520-592 East Weddell Drive and the Lands of the City and County of San Francisco
Attachments: 1. Project Site, 2. Existing Public Utility Easements to be vacated, 3. Utility company consent letters, 4. Resolution to Vacate

Adopt a Resolution to Vacate Four Public Utility Easements at 520-592 East Weddell Drive and the Lands of the City and County of San Francisco

On April 28, 2014, the City Planning Commission conditionally approved a special development permit for a 465-unit residential apartment project (the "Project") at 520-592 East Weddell Drive. There are four existing Public Utility Easements (PUEs) within the Project site and the Lands of the City and County of San Francisco, a parcel in the middle of the Project (Attachment 1).

The PUEs as recorded with the Santa Clara County Recorder's Office include a 5-foot PUE on two parcels in Book 6545, Page 606; a 46-foot PUE on two parcels in Book D024, Page 211; a 10-foot PUE on one parcel in Book 348, Page 129; and a 51-foot PUE on three parcels in Book C933, Page 170 (Attachment 2). The vacation of the PUEs is one of the Project's Conditions of Approval to allow for construction of buildings within the Project site.

On June 23, 2015, the City Council adopted a resolution declaring its intention to vacate four PUEs and setting July 14, 2015 at 7:00 pm as the date and time for public hearing (RTC 15-0460).

General Plan, Chapter 3, Goal LT-4 - Quality Neighborhoods and Districts
Policy LT4-4: Preserve and enhance the high quality of residential neighborhoods

The City Council certified the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Project on March 25, 2014. Adoption of the subject resolution vacating four Public Utility Easements is consistent with the Project's Conditions of Approval. No further environmental analysis is required for the easement vacation.

As part of the Project, the existing public facilities within the PUEs will be removed and relocated. The PUEs are no longer needed for present or prospective public use. All concerned utility companies have been contacted in writing and have no objecti...

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