Approve a Resolution Creating School Zone Speed Limits on Lakechime, Meadowlake, and Silverlake Drives near Lakewood Elementary School and Determine that the Action is Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act
Staff received a citizen request to consider school zone speed limits on streets adjacent to Lakewood Elementary School. In response, staff has completed an engineering study of existing speeds on Lakechime Drive, Meadowlake Drive, and Silverlake Drive in the morning school hours in order to evaluate prevailing speeds against the Council-established threshold for consideration of 15 mile per hour school zones. At its December 4, 2012 meeting, the City Council adopted a criterion as part of a Comprehensive School Traffic Study to allow consideration of 15 mile per hour zones on those qualifying street segments that have documented higher traffic speeds (RTC 12-279). The criterion is for those school area streets that have an 85 percentile speed greater than 25 miles per hour during school commute times, establishment of a 15 mile per hour zone would be recommended.
Completed speed surveys for the 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. time period on Lakechime, Meadowlake and Silverlake Drives show that the 85 percentile speeds for the three streets are 29.9 miles per hour on Lakechime Drive, 25.2 miles per hour on Meadowlake and 34.1 miles per hour on Silverlake Drive. These prevailing speeds exceed the Council's established threshold for consideration of 15 mile per hour school zone establishment. Per the California Vehicle Code, modification of speed limits shall be done by ordinance or resolution of the governing body (Attachment 1). The proposed school zones are depicted in Attachment 2.
Safety and Noise Element SN-3.5, Facilitate the safe movement of pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles.
Approving the Resolution to establish prevailing speeds...
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