Amend an Existing Consultant Services Agreement and Approve Budget Modification No. 9 to Appropriate $14,810 of Development Enterprise Funds to Complete the Update to the Single-Family Design Techniques Document (Project No. 835190 / CDD 20-01)
Dahlin Group was selected through a competitive Request for Proposals process and a contract was executed in the amount of $99,810 on March 22, 2022. An additional $14,810 is necessary to provide the funding needed to finish the refinements in the new document. The total contract amount will not exceed $114,810. The amendment to the contract is under the City Manager's authority.
Pursuant to Sunnyvale Charter Section 1305, at any meeting after the adoption of the budget, the City Council may amend or supplement the budget by motion adopted by affirmative votes of at least four members so as to authorize the transfer of unused balances appropriated for one purpose to another, or to appropriate available revenue not included in the budget.
The action being considered does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(a) as it has no potential for resulting in either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment.
Dahlin Group has been working with staff on the Update to the Single-Family Design Techniques since March 2022, when the contract was originally executed. The update to the techniques will make them objective standards consistent with State law requirements. The new document is being designed to be user friendly for homeowners and will include graphics, diagrams, and examples to assist with ease of use. Additional funds in the amount of $14,810 are needed to refine the graphics to fully comply with State requirements and to complete the document for r...
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