Adopt a Resolution and Revise Council Policy 7.1.5 to Authorize the City Manager to Appropriate Certain Types of Grants up to $100,000
The City applies for and receives grants for a wide variety of activities. Examples include Public Safety grants for DUI checkpoints, Federal transportation grants for large transportation infrastructure projects, small library grants and more.
Existing policy authorizes the City Manager to apply for and accept grants of any dollar amount subject to Council notification, but requires subsequent Council appropriation (i.e., the act of officially adding the money to the City's budget) before the grant can be spent. Currently, the only exception to this required Council action is for grants under the amount of $5,000 that are also free of external reporting requirements and/or local match requirements. These can be appropriated by the City Manager.
Policy governing the acceptance of grants and donations is contained in two separate policies. First, Council Policy 7.1.1 Fiscal - Long Range Goals and Financial Policies, section 7.1B Revenue Policies - B.4: Grants and Intergovernmental Assistance provides guidance and restrictions on when the use of grants is appropriate, and provides the process for notifying Council of a potential grant or donation.
Second, Council Policy 7.1.5 Donations, Contributions and Sponsorships identifies the appropriation authority of the City Manager with regard to grants and donations, and provides additional guidance and restrictions regarding the use of grants. Due to their length, both policies are provided as Attachments 1 and 2.
This action does not require environmental review because it is not a project that has the potential for causing a significant impact on the environment. (CEQA Guideline 15061(b)(3).)
Staff is recommending that Council adopt a resolution amending the b...
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