File #: 2016-7234
Location: 657-661 Vanderbilt Drive (APNs 202-07-001 through 202-07-002), 1188-1197 East Vanderbilt Court (202-07-003 through 202-07-008),1190-1199 West Vanderbilt Court (202-07-009 through 202-07-014 ), 1176-1198 Hollenbeck (202-07-015 through 202-07-021), 1156-1168 Regia (202-07-22 through 202-07-028), 1154 -1170 Ribier (202-07-029 through 202-07-036), 662 Torrington (202-07-037) 1153-1193 Sesame (202-07-038 through 202-07-045)
Zoning: R-1
Proposed Project: Introduction of Ordinance to Rezone 45 contiguous single family home lots from R-1 (Low Density Residential) to R-1/S (Low Density Residential/Single-Story)
Applicant / Owner: John Sullivan (plus multiple owners)
Environmental Review: The Ordinance being considered is categorically exempt from review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15305 (minor alteration in land use) and Section 15061(b)(3) (a general rule that CEQA only applies to projects that have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the action may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA).
Project Planner: Gerri Caruso (408) 730-7591,
On July 11, 2016, the Planning Commission considered this request from several property owners to rezone 45 single-family properties to the R-1/S zoning designation to limit homes in that area to single stories. The rezoning would only affect the 45 homes included in the application area, and would prohibit future additions resulting in two stories.
Four individuals spoke in favor of the rezone, including three property owners in the affected area. One nearby neighborhood (not a part of the subject application but who is a property owner of an area with a pending Single-Story rezoning application) spoke against the rezoning because it limits the potential u...
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