Approve Restated Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Authority Joint Powers Agreement to Accommodate Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority as an Additional Member
In 2010, Sunnyvale and 18 other Santa Clara County public agencies entered into a joint powers agreement for the Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Authority (SVRIA), focusing on planning and communications system enhancement initiatives. Most recently, in June 2015 (RTC 15-470), Council authorized the City Manager to execute the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the complete Silicon Valley Regional Communication System (SVRCS) build-out. The MOU incorporated the inclusion of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) as a participant in the SVRCS financial obligations for use of the system. The Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Authority (SVRIA) Board of Directors also negotiated with VTA for inclusion in the Joint Powers Authority (JPA) and recommends amendment of the agreement in order to include the VTA as a voting member of the Board of Directors
As a member, VTA has agreed to share in the cost. The cost sharing methodology for SVRIA JPA partners was established based on the number of users from each participating agency. VTA becoming a member of the Joint Powers Authority will greatly reduce the anticipated costs to the remaining participants with the additional 2,000 users applied to the system calculations.
GOAL SN-2: Effective Disaster Preparedness
Ensure that the City, its community members, business, faith-based organizations, community organizations and special needs populations are prepared to effectively respond and recover from major disasters and emergencies.
Policy SN-2.5: Provide emergency radio or other communication devices for coordination of emergency response and the capability to communicate with outside agencies and community members.
GOAL SN-3: Safe and Secure City
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