Proposed Project: Application on a 7,030 square-foot site:
USE PERMIT to construct a 7-foot 8.5-inch tall wooden fence within the front yard of a single-family home.
Location: 1128 Spinosa Drive (APN: 208-08-033)
File #: PLNG-2024-0685
Zoning: R-1/S (Low Density Residential / Single-Story combining district)
Applicant / Owner: Megan Blaine (applicant) / Lynn Bos (owner)
Environmental Review: Class 1 Categorical Exemption relieves this project from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) provisions.
Project Planner: Wendy Lao, 408-730-7408,
Description of Proposed Project
The subject site consists of a single-story single-family home of Eichler architecture. The applicant is proposing to construct a 7-foot 8.5-inch tall wooden fence within the front yard, located approximately 15-feet from the front property line. The fence would primarily extend across the lot width, leaving an opening for the driveway and walkway to the building entrance.
Sunnyvale Municipal Code (SMC) Section 19.48.025 requires a Use Permit to allow front yard fences to exceed 6 feet in height. Fence height within the front yard is measured from the top of the nearest curb. The SMC defines a front yard fence to include any fence located between the face of the building and the street.
See Attachment 1 for a map of the vicinity and mailing area for notices.
Previous Actions on the Site
Previous actions to the site include a building permit (BLDG-2024-0726) to allow a 180-square foot addition to the side of the house and interior remodel, as well as a building permit revision (REV-2024-0386) for additional modifications.
A Class 1 Categorical Exemption (minor alteration of existing structures) relieves this project from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) provisions.
Site Layout
The subject property is a 7,030 square-foot, rectangular-shaped interi...
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