Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 25-0066   
Type: Report to Board/Commission Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: Housing and Human Services Commission
On agenda: 1/22/2025
Title: Consider Potential Modifications to Relocation Assistance Requirements for Sunnyvale Municipal Code Chapter 19.71 Residential Tenant Protections Programs and Provide Direction to Staff
Attachments: 1. Reserved for Report to Council, 2. Outreach Survey Results

Consider Potential Modifications to Relocation Assistance Requirements for Sunnyvale Municipal Code Chapter 19.71 Residential Tenant Protections Programs and Provide Direction to Staff

Assembly Bill (AB) 1482, California's Tenant Protection Act of 2019, is a California law that provides renters with more stability and protections in the state's rental housing market. The legislation limits rent increases for certain properties and requires eviction notices under specific circumstances. The Tenant Protection Act is designed to address concerns about rising rents and tenant displacement.

On April 25, 2023, the City Council approved Residential Tenant Protections Programs (RTC No. 23-0515), resulting in amendments to Sunnyvale Municipal Code (SMC) and specifically the creation of Chapter 19.71 of the SMC. As approved, Chapter 19.71 incorporates AB 1482; however, Sunnyvale's ordinance offers protections beyond those in AB 1482 as Chapter 19.71 applies to all rental units regardless of when they were built, requires relocation assistance equal to two months of rent, and requires landlords to initially offer all tenants a 12-month lease.

During the April 25, 2023, Council meeting, Council directed staff to consider increasing relocation assistance required during no fault, just cause evictions from two months of rent to three months of rent. This report provides an update and recommendation on only this aspect of the Ordinance.

The City Council is scheduled to consider this item on February 25, 2025.

Sunnyvale General Plan, Housing Element
GOAL HE-1 Adequate Housing: Assist in the provision of adequate housing to meet the diverse needs of Sunnyvale's households of all income levels.

GOAL HE-2 Enhanced Housing Conditions and Affordability: Maintain and enhance the conditions and affordability of existing housing in Sunnyvale.

GOAL HE-5 Equal Housing Opportunities: Promote...

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