Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 24-0922   
Type: Report to Board/Commission Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: Planning Commission
On agenda: 9/9/2024
Title: Proposed Project: SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: Demolish two existing used auto sales buildings and construct a mixed-use project: 1) A six-story senior housing building including approximately 12,232 square feet of commercial floor area, 113 independent living units, and 36 assisted living accommodations; and, 2) A three-story convalescent hospital building with 72,000 square feet of floor area and a 52-bed capacity. Location: 1027-1035 West El Camino Real (APN: 161-41-009) File #: PLNG-2023-0234 Zoning: ECR-MU42 (El Camino Real Mixed Use) Applicant / Owner: PMB LLC (applicant) / Nicholas Gera (owner) Environmental Review: No additional review required as per CEQA Guidelines 15183 - environmental impacts of the project are addressed in the El Camino Real Specific Plan (ECRSP) Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Project Planner: Jeffrey Cucinotta, (408) 730-7424, jcucinotta@sunnyvale.ca.gov
Attachments: 1. Noticing and Vicinity Map, 2. Project Data Table, 3. Recommended Findings, 4. Recommended Conditions of Approval, 5. Site and Architectural Plans, 6. CEQA Environmental Checklist, 7. Public Comments Received After Staff Report Published and Four Hours Prior to Meeting, 8. Presentation to Planning Commission RTC No 24-0922 - 20240909

Proposed Project:
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: Demolish two existing used auto sales buildings and construct a mixed-use project:
1) A six-story senior housing building including approximately 12,232 square feet of commercial floor area, 113 independent living units, and 36 assisted living accommodations; and,
2) A three-story convalescent hospital building with 72,000 square feet of floor area and a 52-bed capacity.
Location: 1027-1035 West El Camino Real (APN: 161-41-009)
File #: PLNG-2023-0234
Zoning: ECR-MU42 (El Camino Real Mixed Use)
Applicant / Owner: PMB LLC (applicant) / Nicholas Gera (owner)
Environmental Review: No additional review required as per CEQA Guidelines 15183 - environmental impacts of the project are addressed in the El Camino Real Specific Plan (ECRSP) Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
Project Planner: Jeffrey Cucinotta, (408) 730-7424, jcucinotta@sunnyvale.ca.gov


General Plan: El Camino Real Specific Plan.
Existing Site Conditions: Two one-story office/leasing buildings, surface parking, and auto repair/maintenance areas.
Surrounding Land Uses
North: Multi/single-family residential across Olive Avenue.
South: Commercial and auto sales uses across El Camino Real.
East: Commercial and multifamily residential uses.
West: Mixed-use multifamily residential and office development.
Issues: Special Development Permit deviation; parking adjustment
Staff Recommendation: Alternative 1. Make the required findings to approve the CEQA determination that the project is consistent with the ECRSP EIR and no additional environmental review is required pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 and approve the Special Development Permit based on the Recommended Findings in Attachment 3 and Recommended Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4.


Description of Proposed Project
The project site is 2.42 acres in size and is currently developed with an automobile dealership use, com...

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