Consideration of Options for Implementation of an Auxiliary Restroom at the Las Palmas Park / Tennis Center
Las Palmas Park is located at 850 Russet Drive. The 24-acre park is an active community park which includes tennis courts, a dog park, tot and youth play areas, a water play area, a recreation building, picnic area and a large multi-use field.
There are currently two restroom facilities on the park site. One restroom is located in the recreation building that is situated on the western boundary of the park. This restroom is available for general public use. The second restroom is located in the Tennis Center building, at the northern boundary of the park and is mainly utilized by the public using the Tennis Center.
In 2014, while City staff was working on the Dog Park Study Issue, interest was expressed in a new auxiliary restroom facility at Las Palmas Park that would be located near the Tennis Center and dog park area (Location A on Attachment 1). As a result of this request, Council approved Budget Supplement #3 - Las Palmas Park/Tennis Center Auxiliary Restroom (Attachment 2) as part of the approval of the FY 2014/15 Budget. The budget issue provided $300,000 to design and construct a new auxiliary restroom located between the Las Palmas dog park and the tennis center.
Staff has determined that the project as originally scoped cannot be constructed within the $300,000 budget and has developed three alternatives for consideration: proceed with the project and increase the budget, proceed with the project in an alternate location which requires an increase to the budget (Location B on Attachment 1), or delay of the project to add the auxiliary restroom scope to the major park renovation in FY 2023/24. Staff's recommendation is to defer the project and add the possible inclusion of an auxiliary restroom into the comprehensive review of Las Palmas Park renovation in FY 2023/24.
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