Proposed Project: Related applications on a 40.5 acre site:
MAJOR MOFFETT PARK SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: Two new five-story R&D office buildings of 1,041,890 square feet resulting in 60 percent Floor Area Ratio (FAR). The existing 710,381 square feet of office & manufacturing buildings will be demolished.
VESTING TENTATIVE MAP: Merge ten existing parcels and create two new parcels.
Location: 360 W. Caribbean Drive (APNs: 110-26-020, 021, 022, 023, 025, 027, 028, 029, 030, 031)
File #: 2017-8042
Zoning: Moffett Park Industrial (MP-I) & Moffett Park Transit Oriented Development (MP-TOD)
Applicant / Owner: Google LLC (applicant) / Google Inc. (owner)
Environmental Review: Transportation Environmental Impact Report and Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting program
Project Planners: Shaunn Mendrin, (408) 730-7431, and Michelle King, (408) 730-7463,
The Planning Commission considered this item on February 24, 2020.
The Planning Commission voted 6-0 (Commissioner Rheaume recused due to a conflict) to recommend adoption of a resolution certifying the Transportation Environmental Impact Report (Transportation EIR), adopting the Statements of Overriding Consideration, and adopting the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and approval of the Major Moffett Park Site Development Permit and Vesting Tentative Map. The Planning Commission accepted the staff clarification for conditions PS-7, BP-19, EP-7, and PF-3 provided prior to the public hearing (not reflected in the published staff report), and added additional language to condition PF-3 (Bay Trail Parking) to provide clarification on the location and the intent of the required 18 spaces. Staff agrees with the additional Bay Trail language; all changes have been included in Attachment 9, Recommended Conditions of Approval):
The Report to Planning Comm...
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