Adopt a Resolution to Amend the City's Salary Resolution and the Schedule of Pay to Increase Salaries for Pay Plan Category D (Unrepresented Classified Management) and Pay Plan Category K (Unrepresented Unclassified Management Classifications Appointed Directly by the City Attorney)
Unrepresented management employees (pay plan categories D and K) are not organized and do not negotiate for changes to their wages, hours, and/or other terms and conditions of employment. Instead, the City Manager makes recommendations to the City Council regarding such changes on behalf of these employee groups.
There is no across the board salary increase scheduled for unrepresented management employees in FY 2018/19. The City Council met in closed session on May 8, 2018 to discuss potential changes for this group of employees. Based on the discussion in closed session, the City Manager has prepared this Report to Council for the City Council to consider taking formal action.
Council Policy 7.3.1 Legislative Management - Goals and Policies, Goal 7.3D: Maintain a quality work force, Consistent with state and federal laws, City Charter, and adopted policies in order to assure that City services are provided in an effective, efficient, and high quality manner.
The action being considered does not constitute a "project" with the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378 (b) (5) in that it is a governmental organizational or administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the environment.
The City reached agreement with the Sunnyvale Managers Association (SMA) in November 2015 and July 2016 for annual across the board salary adjustments in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) until June 30, 2019. Across the board salary adjustments for unrepresented management employees during the same period ...
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