FILE #: 2015-7353
Location: 1250 Lakeside Drive (APNs: 216-43-035 and 216-43-036)
Proposed Project:
LAKESIDE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT INITIATION Request to study a site layout change in the Lakeside Specific Plan by reversing the locations of the hotel and residential components.
Applicant/Owner: Wittek Development/ Aircoa Equity Interests, Inc.
Project Planner: Trudi Ryan (408) 730-7435,
The Lakeside Specific Plan was adopted by the City Council in 2005 to facilitate the development of a mixed use hotel and residential project for property located at 1250 Lakeside Drive in northeast Sunnyvale. It is different from other specific plans the City has adopted in that it pertains to one particular project rather than a particular area in the City. The original project, although entitled, was never built. The properties are currently vacant; the prior use was the Four Points Sheraton Hotel which was demolished in 2006. The current developer is interested in going forward with the development with the same uses and densities that were approved in the past, but would like to change the plan layout by reversing the location of the hotel and residential components. Because a Specific Plan was adopted for the project, modifying the site design requires a Specific Plan amendment.
A Specific Plan amendment is processed in the same manner as a General Plan amendment. The process begins with a written request from a property owner or applicant for approval to initiate the amendment. Initiation requests are heard on a quarterly basis through a recommendation from the Planning Commission and then action by the City Council. If the Council approves the initiation, a formal application for a Plan Amendment can be filed by the property owner/applicant. The applicant may also file a development project application and related items as applicable for concurrent processing. The City Counci...
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