Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 16-0075   
Type: Information Only Status: Information Only
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 2/9/2016
Title: Study Session Summary of January 14, 2016 - Council Strategic Session - Prioritization and Policy Priorities Update


Study Session Summary of January 14, 2016 - Council Strategic Session - Prioritization and Policy Priorities Update



Call to Order:

Mayor Hendricks called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m.


City Councilmembers Present:

Mayor Glenn Hendricks

Vice Mayor Gustav Larsson

Councilmember David Whittum

Councilmember Jim Griffith

Councilmember Pat Meyering (arrived at 1:25 p.m.)

Councilmember Tara Martin-Milius

Councilmember Jim Davis


City Councilmembers Absent:



Public Comment:



Study Session Summary: 

City Manager Deanna Santana provided opening comments and an overview of the strategic session.


Council received presentations on service delivery highlights, current conditions and trends, and areas of opportunity in the following operational focus and priority areas: Administrative Services; Library & Community Services and Public Facilities;  Transportation, Streets, and Infrastructure; Public Safety; Community, Economic, and Workforce Development; Environment and Sustainability.


Mayor Hendricks recognized Interim Director of Library and Community Services Anne Cain for her service and presented a certificate of recognition.


Council recessed at 10:24 a.m.

Council reconvened at 10:46 a.m. with all Councilmembers present except Councilmember Meyering.


Council discussion included questions, comments, requests for additional information, and general direction relating to the policy topic areas and guiding principles summarized below (some comments were made by more than one Councilmember and are only listed once).


-Comments that interdepartmental coordination is important and an interest in finding a way to help the public understand what is going on in the City and the services available.

-Comments regarding the importance of Information Technology infrastructure.

-Interest in developing a list of unfunded projects.

-Questions and comments regarding the need to get ahead of Department of Public Safety hiring.

-Concerns regarding traffic, recycled water, and water usage.

-Request for a list of the City’s mobile apps.

-Comments regarding the underlying theme that more staff resources are needed.

-Concerns regarding capturing institutional memory.

-Questions regarding the status of public art on utility boxes, the tree maintenance cycle, the status of the Mary Avenue bike lanes project, community messaging via Nixle, BMR percentage requirements and the scheduling of items on the Climate Action Plan.

-Comments regarding shortcomings and failures in transportation and traffic, Information Technology, and Library facilities.

-Request for information regarding the $5 multiplier for the Columbia Neighborhood Center.

-Request for data regarding staff vacancies: quantity due to retirement, promotions or taking a similar job elsewhere.

-Comments regarding visibility and access to old Council meetings, reports and minutes.

-Comments regarding the menu of services for children available only through the City versus other entities.

-Question regarding the percentage of youth not being served by any services offered by the City.

-Comments regarding speed surveys and warrants for transportation and traffic.

-Request for an update on Tasers.

-Comments regarding the importance of timely building inspections.

-Comments regarding hotels and how we know when we have enough; consideration of design guidelines for potential changes in economic cycle.

-Comments regarding the upcoming update to the noise element and the new Transportation Demand Management requirements.

-Comments regarding potential offerings related to environmental services.

-Request for an update regarding wiring for electric vehicle chargers.

-Comments regarding board and commission members feeling that their expertise isn’t being utilized; Council could have a policy that at least one study issue from each commission will be promoted.

-Interest in smart water meters.

-Comments regarding the important forward-looking role of the Sustainability Commission.

-Questions regarding the use of body cameras and retention of data.

-Interest in green streets, complete streets, moving forward on bicycle lanes throughout the City, and safe routes to school.

-Questions regarding specific recruitment challenges that are in and out of Council’s control.

-Agreement in support of IT improvements, availability of online services, and an improved website to help the public better understand City services.

-Comments in support of adding apps but a need for app management.

-Comments regarding succession planning and a leadership program; we spend a lot of money on training but would like to know what it is for.

-Comments regarding the availability of voice mail for Public Safety Officers in the new VoIP phone system.

-Questions regarding the status of Airbnb in Sunnyvale and enforcement of hosts who may not be compliant.

-Questions regarding affordable housing.

-Questions regarding the Department of Public Safety mandatory overtime percentage and TDM annual reporting.

-Interest in the El Camino Real BRT pilot project and bike facilities.

-Questions regarding use of the new firing range.

-Request for more information about the new budget system.

-Comments regarding attention to sustainability in Purchasing.


Council recessed for lunch at 12:03 p.m.

Council reconvened at 1 p.m. with all Councilmembers present except Councilmember Meyering.


Councilmember Meyering arrived at 1:25 p.m.


Council received presentations regarding Council Policy priorities: Civic Center Modernization Project Update, Downtown Sunnyvale, The Ability of Infrastructure to Support Development and Traffic, and Open Space Acquisition and Future of Golf Courses.


Councilmember Whittum stated his residence is within 500 feet of the downtown and the Downtown Parking District, and stated he would be recused from the discussion but remained in the room during the report. 


City Manager Santana provided comments in summary.


Council recessed at 2:22 p.m.

Council reconvened at 2:40 p.m.


Additional Council questions and discussion included:

-Support for development of the Charles Street property for affordable housing.

-Comments regarding Envision Silicon Valley.

-Comments regarding the Caltrain modernization and support for alternatives to alleviate traffic concerns along 101/237, Mathilda Avenue and Mary Avenue.

-Support for bicycle and pedestrian transit issues being addressed as a high priority.

-Support for hiring additional staff.

Mayor Hendricks stated the balance of the Council comments would be handled by topic.


Civic Center:

-Support for capital investments as a positive benefit to the General Fund, such as solar panels; we can show the community that by capital investment we’re going to help with operating costs on an ongoing basis.

-Comments that we shouldn’t just think of it as a Civic Center project, but what services are going to be helped by capital investment in the project, such as services to children and seniors.

-Comments that we need to show the community what was done with the Transient Occupancy Tax increase.

-Request for information regarding the City’s current total indebtedness on certificates of participation.

-Comments that it would be more attractive if we had a proposition to add City-owned land for civic purposes for expanded City services; the cost of land compared to the cost of the project is small.

-Comments in support of constructively spending PEG funds; suggestions that they could be used to create a multi-purpose area, a better performing arts area.

-Support and interest in innovative processes coming to the Library.

-Comments in support of the process and seeing the results of the polling.

-Support for a Civic Center that has facilities that support the services the City needs.

-Comments in support of the need for adequate office space for staff who serve the community needs.

-Comments that the poll should include an express question as to whether or not they prefer to receive information about what renovations are needed and the dollar amount to directly address the renovation.

-Comments regarding the concept of new land, but the last two projects sacrificed open space and mature trees, and the projects are widely accepted as successful.

-Comments that it will be a challenge to get a 2/3 vote in November without an organization dedicated to supporting the campaign.

-Comments regarding LEED Gold and LEED Platinum; would like to get a sense of the cost savings in the long run; also don’t ignore the issues of environment and health of people in green buildings.

-Comments that the next time we discuss the project, we start with the success criteria.

-Comments that NOVA is a big policy issue the City is going to need to deal with; having NOVA in Sunnyvale is a fantastic asset to the region.

-Comments that there will also be a lot of other bond issues on the same ballot in November, a consequence of shifting to even-year elections. 

-Questions and discussion regarding the potential for NOVA transitioning to a leased site.

-Comments regarding the benefit to the community of having NOVA at the Civic Center.




Vice Mayor Larsson stated his home is near the downtown but more than 500 feet; Larsson recused himself and left the room during discussion of the Sunnyvale Town Center. Larsson stated he left the room during the earlier discussion of the Town Center.


Councilmember Whittum left the room during discussion of Downtown Parking and returned at 3:19 p.m.


Sunnyvale Town Center

-Comments regarding how we manage space; comments in support of making the condominium rentals if they can be split to ownership.

-Comments regarding the need for a strategic plan for downtown parking and the potential need to look at metered parking.

-Inquiry and response regarding the suggestion that there was complexity with having ownership residential in a mixed use set up.

-Request for information regarding the number of other sites that have owned residential in a mixed use setup.

-Comments that the Town Center has been dragged on so long; would like to see transparency with the community to set expectations as to when they can expect to see activity.

-Comments that the project will be a huge burden on Office of the City Attorney staff; we need to take the Office of the City Attorney burden particularly seriously during the study issues process.

-Support for expeditiously moving forward with the Town Center project.

-Comments that we need to look at the ADDOPA and remember the end goal that maybe not everyone gets everything they want.

-Comments that the owned residential versus rental depends on the price point of the units.

-Comments that if we try to change the plan, there is an area of complexity and burden as changes trigger additional process and timeline.

-Comments regarding the importance of listening to the subject matter experts.


Vice Mayor Larsson returned to the room at 3:38 p.m.


Charles Street Properties

-Comments regarding the plan features documented in approximately 2003.

-Comments in support of high and low density senior housing; senior housing is a good idea and doesn’t impact schools; interest in green buildings and accessibility in units.

-Comments that high density will be met with resistance by residents on Charles; traffic concerns.

-Support for affordable housing or senior housing; comments that it would be best if we can maintain ownership or find a balance for the best possible use.

-Comments regarding the site being competitive for low-income and affordable tax credits.

-Comments regarding the Downtown Specific Plan as it pertains to the properties.

-Comments regarding the outlier lot that is part of the aggregation and that the land should be cleared as quickly as possible.


Plaza del Sol

-Questions about Phase 2 of Plaza del Sol and comments in support of keeping the labyrinth and adding shade.

-Comments regarding expanding features of Plaza del Sol to make it attractive for use by the nearby neighborhood.



-Questions regarding Envision Silicon Valley, the possibility of “no-go zones” in neighborhoods and bicycle and pedestrian access at the “monster interchange.”

-Support for the Lawrence Expressway over/underpasses and opposition to widening highways.

-Support for grade separations for Caltrain and enhanced bike lanes.

-Request for an Information Only or CMWBR item regarding “the big ask.”

-Questions about the City’s traffic signal software.

-Questions regarding donation from Google for traffic staff including a potential need for a bicycle coordinator or someone who can focus more on bicycle projects, funded potentially through additional donations.

-Questions regarding the potential to use Envision funds for shuttle bus assets or operations; recommendation to push the envelope to draw more attention to it.

-Comments in opposition to alterations to Maude to remove a turn lane or to remove parking will not be productive; bike lanes should be thought of in the context of Arques.

-Comments regarding finding a balance regarding bicycle lanes; need versus neighborhood objections.

-Information was provided regarding El Camino Real Bus Rapid Transit Policy Advisory Committee activities.

-Comments in support of shuttle services for children and seniors.

-Comments regarding the importance of Council interactions with the public.

-Comments in support of Caltrain electrification.

-Questions regarding the plans for bike lanes on Maude.

-Comments regarding the impact of divided diamond on the monster interchange.


Open Space and Golf

-Questions regarding park fees for non-residential uses.

-Questions and comments regarding the status of the golf course operator.

-Comments that the degree of our planning doesn’t match that of our predecessors; not for lack of opportunities, we just had no process for identifying future parks; just refurbishing parks is inadequate for the amount of growth we’re experiencing and expect to experience.

-Comments that we are making some progress on planning for trails or recreational space.

-Comments that since 2009, 6.8 acres of newly developed parks have been added, 6.9 acres have been acquired and 3.87 acres have been sold.

-Comments that we should be acquiring more park space and open space, and acquisition of space should be part of our strategic plan.


Additional comments that the City’s Information Technology is a fundamental component of what all departments need to move forward; support for whatever it takes to elevate the item.


Mayor Hendricks and City Manager Deanna Santana provided closing comments.



Mayor Hendricks adjourned the meeting at 4:55 p.m.