Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 16-0169   
Type: Report to Council Status: Passed
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 4/19/2016
Title: File #: 2015-8091 Location: 748-838 Dartshire Way and 747-837 Devonshire Way (APNs 309-28-001, 309-28-002, 308-28-003, 309-28-036) Zoning: R-0 Proposed Project: Introduction of Ordinance to Rezone 36 contiguous single family home lots from R-0 (Low Density Residential) to R-0/S (Low Density Residential/Single-Story) Applicant / Owner: Martin Griffiths Environmental Review: The Ordinance being considered is categorically exempt from review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15305 (minor alteration in land use) and Section 15061(b)(3) (not a project that may have a significant effect on the environment).
Attachments: 1. Vicinity and Noticing Map, 2. Project Data by Lot, 3. Applicant's Letter, 4. Draft Ordinance, 5. Findings, 6. Letter from City to property owners in proposed district, 7. Planning Commission Minutes 3/14/16, 8. Presentation to Council 20160419 (16-0169)
File #: 2015-8091
Location: 748-838 Dartshire Way and 747-837 Devonshire Way (APNs 309-28-001, 309-28-002, 308-28-003, 309-28-036)
Zoning: R-0
Proposed Project: Introduction of Ordinance to Rezone 36 contiguous single family home lots from R-0 (Low Density Residential) to R-0/S (Low Density Residential/Single-Story)
Applicant / Owner: Martin Griffiths
Environmental Review: The Ordinance being considered is categorically exempt from review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15305 (minor alteration in land use) and Section 15061(b)(3) (not a project that may have a significant effect on the environment).

Project Planner: Gerri Caruso (408) 730-7591, gcaruso@sunnyvale.ca.gov

General Plan: Residential Low Density
Existing Site Conditions: A cohesive residential neighborhood block consisting of 35 single story homes and one two-story home.
Surrounding Land Uses
North: Single family homes across Dartshire Way
South: Single family homes across Devonshire Way
East: Single family homes across Kingfisher Way
West: Single family homes across Flicker Way
Issues: Preservation of a single-family neighborhood of predominantly single-story Eichler homes.
Planning Commission Recommendation: City Council introduces the ordinance and approves the rezoning.
Staff Recommendation: City Council introduces the ordinance and approves the rezoning.

The application has been submitted by 26 property owners (72 percent) in the 36-lot project area. As indicated on the vicinity and noticing map, the project area consists of the entire block located on the south side of Dartshire Way and north side of Devonshire Way between Kingfisher Way and Flicker Way (Attachment 1). A list of all the properties included is in Attachment 2. A project description letter from the applicant is in Attachment 3.

The request is to modify the current R-0 zoning designation (Low Density Residential) by combi...

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