Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 16-0749   
Type: Report to Council Status: Passed
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 8/23/2016
Title: Award of Contract for Design and Construction Support Services for the Maude Avenue Bikeways and Streetscape Project (F16-108) and Approval of Budget Modification No. 5 in the Amount of $110,000
Attachments: 1. Draft Consultant Services Agreement

Award of Contract for Design and Construction Support Services for the Maude Avenue Bikeways and Streetscape Project (F16-108) and Approval of Budget Modification No. 5 in the Amount of $110,000

Approval is requested to award a contract to Kimley-Horn Associates, Inc. of Pleasanton in an amount not-to-exceed $206,430 for design and construction support services for the Maude Avenue Bikeways and Streetscape Project (Public Works Project TR-15/03-17), and for a 10% design contingency in the amount of $20,643. Approval is also requested for Budget Modification No. 5 to appropriate $110,000 in Transportation Impact Fees (TIF) to provide additional project funding.

Consistent with the provisions of Chapter 2.08 of the Sunnyvale Municipal Code, civil engineering work is solicited through a Request for Proposals (RFP) process, unless otherwise exempt from the competitive bidding process. Contracts resulting from RFPs are awarded based on best value to the City, rather than the lowest bid price as in the case of an Invitation for Bids (IFB).

This award is for the design phase and construction support services, and the action being considered does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378 (b)(5), in that it is a governmental organizational or administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the environment. However, it is expected that the CEQA determination for the construction portion of this project will be a Class 1 categorical exemption pursuant to Section 15301(c) and (d) for existing streets involving no expansion. All review of CEQA documentation will be part of the design phase.

On May 17, 2016, the City Council approved RTC No. 16-0357 for the final design concept for the Maude Avenue Bikeways and Streetscapes p...

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