Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 16-0781   
Type: Report to Council Status: Passed
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 8/23/2016
Title: Appoint Ms. Rosanne Foust and Mr. James Ruigomez to the NOVA Workforce Board

Appoint Ms. Rosanne Foust and Mr. James Ruigomez to the NOVA Workforce Board

The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 stipulates the composition, roles and responsibilities of the local workforce board. The chief local elected official appoints the local workforce board; the Sunnyvale City Council serves as the Chief Local Elected Official for the NOVA consortium. The local workforce board (NOVA Board) determines how many seats are on the board, and is required to have a majority of representatives from business and representation from at least the following stakeholders:
? Business Executives (majority and chair)
? Education providers from adult education and higher education
? Labor and community-based organizations representing the workforce
? Economic and community development agencies
? State agencies representing employment development and vocational rehabilitation programs

The roles and responsibilities of NOVA Board members include (but are not limited to):
? Take a leadership role in forging a strong and vital partnership between business and the workforce development community, resulting in an entrepreneurial, market-driven, accountable and exceptional workforce development system;
? Contribute specific expertise from key industries and articulate evolving industries' needs, critical to aligning the workforce with the jobs of the 21st Century;
? Develop and approve policy for workforce initiatives in the NOVA service-delivery area;
? Help create and provide oversight of a strategic plan and participate in the development of a regional plan;
? Evaluate and monitor program performance according to specified outcomes and measures; and
? Promote the NOVA Board and workforce through collaboration and relationship building with other businesses, local workforce boards, organizations and groups.

Council Policy 5.1.1: Socio-Economic - Goals and Policies: Education ...

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