Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 17-0012   
Type: Report to Council Status: Passed
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 1/10/2017
Title: Appoint Councilmembers to Intergovernmental Assignments; Ratify Appointments of Councilmembers made by Outside Agencies; Take action to Modify, Create, or Terminate Council Subcommittees
Attachments: 1. Council IGR Assignments Review Form




Appoint Councilmembers to Intergovernmental Assignments; Ratify Appointments of Councilmembers made by Outside Agencies; Take action to Modify, Create, or Terminate Council Subcommittees




The purpose of this Report is for Council to review and possibly ratify Councilmember appointments to a variety of intergovernmental agencies as presented. Appointees represent the City's interests and influence policies and regulations of other agencies. All Council appointments are made annually in January; at this time, Council also considers ratifying appointments made by outside agencies.


At the December 6, 2016 Study Session, Councilmembers who are currently serving on a variety of intergovernmental assignments, stated their interest in either retaining or dropping those assignments. Councilmembers-elect were invited to participate as members of the public and provided input on assignments they are interested in.


Mayor-appointed Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) Assignments will be determined after Council’s January 10, 2017 selection of a new Mayor.


As noted in Council Policy 7.4.12, Council Appointments to Intergovernmental Agencies, staff support will be provided to Councilmembers serving on IGR bodies as directed by the City Manager. Typically, staff support consists of reviewing and advising on upcoming committee agendas for issues pertaining to Sunnyvale and, as needed, assist Council in presenting those issues.



Council Policy 7.4.12, Council Appointments to Intergovernmental Agencies

Council Policy 7.4.13, Council Subcommittees and Council- or Mayor-Created Advisory Task Forces

Council Adopted Code of Ethics and Conduct for Elected and Appointed Officials



The action being considered does not constitute a “project” with the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378 (b) (5) in that it is a governmental organizational or administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the environment.



When making IGR appointments, Council considers the City’s overall intergovernmental priorities as well as the particular interests and backgrounds of individual Councilmembers. This report to Council lists all appointments to be made by Council; to better inform the process a Council IGR Assignments Review Form, has been included as Attachment 1 and expresses the interest of existing Councilmembers. The following tables show for reference the names of all interested parties and number of appointments available.


2017 Appointments for Consideration by Council

Every year the City Council reviews three types of appointments, as follows:


1.                     Appointments Made by Council: Assignments that are at the discretion of the Council and are proposed to be made at the January 10, 2017 Council Meeting.


a.                     Community Member Appointments: Council may appoint a non-Councilmember to represent the City’s interest on an intergovernmental body.


2016 Community Member Appointee

Term Expires

VTA- Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee

David Simmons


Sourcewise (formerly Advisory Council to the Council on Aging)

Martin Rawson



b.                     Board and Commission Liaison Assignments: Assignments are on a set biannual rotation; Council can either reaffirm current rotation or change.


i.                     January - June 2017 Rotation Schedule

Council Seat


Meeting Dates



Heritage Preservation Commission

1st Wednesday

7:00 pm


Housing and Human Services Commission

4th Wednesday

7:00 pm


Parks and Recreation Commission

2nd Wednesday

7:00 pm


Sustainability Commission

3rd Monday

7:00 pm


Art Commission

3rd Wednesday

7:00 pm


Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission

3rd Thursday

6:30 pm


Board of Library Trustees

1st Monday

7:00 pm


ii.                     July - December 2017 Rotation Schedule

Council Seat


Meeting Dates



Housing and Human Services Commission

4th Wednesday

7:00 pm


Parks and Recreation Commission

2nd Wednesday

7:00 pm


Sustainability Commission

3rd Monday

7:00 pm


Art Commission

3rd Wednesday

7:00 pm


Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission

3rd Thursday

6:30 pm


Board of Library Trustees

1st Monday

7:00 pm


Heritage Preservation Commission

1st Wednesday

7:00 pm


c.                     Council Subcommittees- Standing Committees: Seven standing Council subcommittees are set to continue into 2017 unless otherwise directed by Council. Standing committees exist with a set membership unless and until modified by the Council. At the study session, there was discussion of terminating the Standing Committee on Paramedic Services. Any action to create or modify the committee must be placed as an item on the Council agenda. This action could be taken under Alternative 3.


Standing Committee

Number of Appointments Available

Councilmembers Expressing Interest

Subcommittee of Board & Commission Bylaws


Griffith  Hendricks Larsson Melton

Community Event Grant Distributions



Study Paramedic Services as a Service to be Provided by the City of Sunnyvale



Santa Clara Unified School District Subcommittee


Melton Smith

Sunnyvale Elementary School District Subcommittee



Fremont Union High School District Subcommittee


Hendricks Smith

Cupertino Union School District Subcommittee


Griffith Larsson Melton


d.                     Appointments to External IGR Agencies: Appointments of Councilmembers to serve on local, intergovernmental agencies.


Number of Appointments Available

Councilmembers Expressing Interest

Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG)

General Assembly


Klein Larsson

Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA)

Board of Directors



Comprehensive County Expressway Planning Study Policy Advisory Board (PAB)

Comprehensive County Expressway Planning Study Policy Advisory Board



Grand Boulevard Task Force

Grand Boulevard Task Force


Goldman Klein Smith

Grand Boulevard Task Force, Alternate



North Valley (NOVA) Job Training Consortium Workforce Board

Nomination Committee



Moffett Field Restoration Advisory Board (RAB)

Moffett Field Restoration Advisory Board (RAB)



San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water System Financing Authority (RFA)

Board of Directors



South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project Stakeholders

South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project Stakeholders



Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority (SVCEA)

Board of Directors



Board of Directors, Alternate


Melton Smith

Valley Transportation Authority (VTA)

Board of Directors


Hendricks Smith

State Route (SR) 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (PAB)


Melton Smith

State Route (SR) 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (PAB), Alternate



Policy Advisory Committee (PAC), Vice Chair


Larsson Smith

Policy Advisory Committee (PAC), Alternate



El Camino Real Rapid Transit Policy Advisory Board (PAB)


Larsson Smith

El Camino Real Rapid Transit Policy Advisory Board (PAB), Alternate



Water Emergency Transportation Authority Community Advisory Committee

Water Emergency Transportation Authority Community Advisory Committee




2.                     Appointments Made by MayorMayoral-appointed assignments will be established after January 10, 2017, upon Council’s selection of a new Mayor.


a.                     External IGR Appointments: The Mayor may appoint Councilmembers or him/herself to various local intergovernmental agencies.


Number of Appointments Available

Councilmembers Expressing Interest

Caltrain Modernization Project Policy Advisory Group

Caltrain Modernization Project Policy Advisory Group


Larsson Smith

Cities Association of Santa Clara County (CASCC)

Board of Directors 



City Selection Committee 



Legislative Action Committee (LAC) 



South Bay Military Affairs Council

Military Affairs Council 



Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD)

Recycled Water Joint Committee 


Griffith Klein

Recycled Water Joint Committee 


Larsson Melton

Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Authority (SVRIA)

Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Authority (SVRIA), Alternate 




b.                     Council Subcommittees- Ad-Hoc Committees: The Mayor may create ad hoc committees of the Council to assist in particular matters as they arise. Members of the committee shall be appointed by the Mayor. At the study session, there was discussion of terminating the Lawrence Station and El Camino Real Corridor Appointment Committees. Any action to create or modify the committee must be placed as an item on the Council agenda.


Ad-Hoc Committee

Number of Appointments Available

Councilmembers Expressing Interest

Lawrence Station Area Plan Citizen Advisory Committee Appointment Committee


Griffith Larsson

Performance Evaluation Tools and Recruitment Process for the City Manager and City Attorney


Griffith Hendricks Melton

El Camino Real Corridor Plan Advisory Committee Appointment Committee


Goldman Hendricks

Civic Center Core Team Subcommittee


Goldman Hendricks Klein Larsson


c.                     Community Member Advisory Task Forces: There are currently no Community Member Advisory Task Forces.


d.                     Mayor’s Task Force: Mayor may create advisory task forces of members of the public to address specific issues of the day. These task forces may be composed solely of community members, but may also include Councilmembers. An advisory task force exists until its work is concluded or it is terminated by the Mayor; in all cases the term is limited to the term of the appointing Mayor. The sole task force listed below is set to expire on January 10, 2017. No Council action is necessary on this item.


Task Force

2016 Members

Date Formed/ Planned Expiration

Community Choice Energy (CCE)

1. Jim Griffith, Councilmember, Sunnyvale 2. John McAlister, Councilmember, Mountain View 3. Rod Sinks, Councilmember, Cupertino 4. Dave Cortese, Supervisor, Santa Clara County

1/22/15 - 1/10/17


3.                     Appointments Made by Outside Agencies:  Assignments that are proposed to be ratified by Council at the January 10, 2017 Council Meeting. Assignments included in this section are those where the Councilmember has, in accordance with City Policy, advised staff in advance of their appointment. All Outside Agency appointments must be ratified by Council before the respective appointee(s) are officially approved to serve on those assignments.


a.                     Ratify Outside Agency appointments:


Appointed Councilmember

Ratify  Y/ N

Cities Association of Santa Clara County (CASCC)

Executive Board



Santa Clara County Airport Land-Use Commission (ALUC)

Airport Land-Use Commission



Santa Clara County Recycling and Waste Reduction Commission

Santa Clara County Recycling and Waste Reduction Commission, Chair




b.                     Upcoming Vacancies:


Appointing Body

Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) - Executive Board


Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) - Hazardous Waste Management Facility Allocation Committee


Local Agency Formation Commission(LAFCO) of Santa Clara County


Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) - Water Commission



c.                     NLC/LCC IGR Opportunities: Following the December 6 Study Session, staff provided Councilmembers-elect with information on how to apply to NLC and LCC IGR opportunities. Typically, there are more opportunities to serve with the NLC and LCC, however, the annual application periods opens as early as September, and a majority of the appointments have been filled. Listed below are the opportunities that are currently available. Interested Councilmembers are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. As Council ratification is required to serve, Councilmembers are encouraged to express your interest at the Council meeting in order for Council to consider ratification.


i.                     National League of Cities Councils General Membership:

1.                     Large Cities Council - Comprised of NLC member cities with populations of 200,000 or more, or the largest city in a state or region.

2.                     First-Tier Suburbs Council- Represents cities and towns outside of central cities and inside the ring of developing suburbs and rural areas.

3.                     Military Communities Council- Members come from municipalities that host or are in close proximity to a military installation and face unique challenges due to this circumstance.

4.                     Small Cities Council- Comprised of elected and appointed officials who represent cities and towns with populations of 50,000 or less.

5.                     University Communities Council- Share problems and opportunities which are unique to university communities, especially where a university is a dominant factor in the community.

6.                     Council on Youth, Education, and Families- Guides and oversees the YEF Institute’s work.


ii.                     League of California Cities:

1.                     Community Services Policy Committee- Reviews issues related to child care, parks and recreation, libraries, cultural arts and community and human services programs.

2.                     Environmental Quality Policy Committee- Reviews issues related to air and water quality, CEQA, integrated waste management, hazardous materials, coastal issues, and utilities.

3.                     Governance, Transparency and Labor Relations Policy Committee- Reviews state legislation as it relates to transparency, technology (open data), healthcare, elections and political reform.

4.                     Housing, Community and Economic Development Policy Committee- Reviews issues related to general plans and zoning, housing, rent control, Subdivision Map Act, residential care facilities, other land use regulation, development fees including school fee adequacy, annexation and incorporation policy, development agreements, building standards including seismic safety standards, economic development policy including redevelopment and enterprise zones, military base closure and reuse, mobile home regulation, and sign regulation.

5.                     Public Safety Policy Committee- Reviews both federal and state legislation and issues and makes recommendations to the League board of directors related to law enforcement, to fire and life safety policies including emergency communications, and to emergency services including ambulance and disaster preparedness.

6.                     Revenue and Taxation Policy Committee- Reviews issues related to finance administration, taxation reform, revenue needs, and revenue sources at the federal, state and local levels.

7.                     Transportation, Communication, and Public Works Policy Committee- Reviews both state and federal legislation as it relates to issues of transportation funding, construction, public works, telecommunications, and other related areas.

8.                     Caucuses- Membership in these organizations is open to any member of the League, as is participation in any of the caucus meetings or sponsored events.

The League's five diversity caucuses are:

a.                      African-American Caucus

b.                     Asian-Pacific Islander Caucus

c.                     Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transgender Local Officials Caucus (GLBTLO)

d.                     Latino Caucus

e.                     Women's Caucus


iii.                     The League of California Cities has requested that Councilmembers receive pre-ratification prior to applying. Councilmembers that will/have applied should share that information with Council tonight so that Council can pre-ratify in anticipation of an appointment.






Public contact was made by posting the Council agenda on the City's official-notice bulletin board outside City Hall, at the Sunnyvale Senior Center, Community Center and Department of Public Safety; and by making the agenda and report available at the Sunnyvale Public Library, the Office of the City Clerk and on the City's website.



1.                     Ratify Community Member Appointments

2.                     Reaffirm Board and Commission Liaison Assignments.

3.                     Take Action to Modify, Create, or Terminate Council Subcommittees

4.                     Appoint Councilmembers to Remaining Council Subcommittees and Standing Committees

5.                     Assign Councilmembers to serve on External IGR Agencies

6.                     Ratify Appointments Made by Outside Agencies including Pre-ratification of appointments that are still pending.




Alternatives 1 through 6: 1) Ratify Community Member Appointments; 2) Reaffirm Board and Commission Liaison Assignments; 3) Take Action to Modify, Create, or Terminate Council Subcommittees; 4) Appoint Councilmembers to Remaining Council Subcommittees and Standing Committees; 5) Assign Councilmembers to serve on External IGR Agencies; and 6) Ratify Appointments Made by Outside Agencies including Pre-ratification of appointments that are still pending.


Additionally, staff recommends that Councilmembers identify any other IGR assignments they have applied for to provide Council an opportunity to pre-ratify.


Prepared by: Yvette Blackford, Senior Management Analyst

Reviewed by: Walter Rossmann, Assistant City Manager

Approved by: Deanna J. Santana, City Manager



1. 2017 Council Intergovernmental Assignments Review Forms