Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 18-0848   
Type: Information Only Status: Information Only
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 11/13/2018
Title: Study Session Summary of September 25, 2018 - Clean Water Program Rebuild Costs
Study Session Summary of September 25, 2018 - Clean Water Program Rebuild Costs

Call to Order:
Vice Mayor Klein called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

City Councilmembers Present:
Mayor Glenn Hendricks
Vice Mayor Larry Klein
Councilmember Jim Griffith
Councilmember Gustav Larsson
Councilmember Nancy Smith
Councilmember Russ Melton
Councilmember Michael S. Goldman

City Councilmembers Absent:

Study Session Summary:
Chip Taylor, Director of Public Works, delivered the Sunnyvale Clean Water Program presentation with the help of Sunnyvale Staff focusing on the program rebuild costs and updating Council.

Bhavani Yerrapotu, WPCP Division Manager, gave a brief background on the existing Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP), milestones achieved, State Revolving Fund (SRF) and Environmental Impacts that were mitigated.

Jennifer Ng, Assistant Director of Public Works/City Engineer, gave an overview of the WPCP Master Plan, Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the project. She then spoke about executed contracts, factors that impact program cost and current escalation. She also spoke about current scope and construction economy.

Tim Kirby, Director of Finance spoke about managing change, long term financing and SRF loans. Mr. Kirby also spoke about Wastewater fund and debt service vs. total requirements and noted that in an upcoming budget the Clean Water Program will be broken up into its own private section within the Capital budget to be able to see all the projects associated with the Plant and all the projects will be marked showing what phase they are currently in.

Mr. Taylor closed the presentation by talking about upcoming Council actions, annual strategic planning sessions and ongoing resolutions and contract awards. He noted that Allison Boyer, Sr. Engineer is managing the project, Jan Davel and Erin McGuire, CDM Smith are on the management team for the project. Mr. Taylor thanked Ms. McGuire for her help with the PowerPoint pres...

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