Solid Waste & Recycling Collection Franchisee Performance Review Findings and Initiation of a Process for Selection of Post-2021 Franchisee
Solid waste and recycling collection services are provided to residents and businesses by a contractor, currently Bay Counties Waste Services (BCWS), through the grant of an exclusive franchise by the City Council, as allowed by Sunnyvale Municipal Code Chapter 8.16. In the context of solid waste and recycling, a franchise is the mechanism for granting the right to a company or individual to perform solid waste and recycling collection services for Sunnyvale residents and businesses. A franchise for solid waste and recycling services cannot exceed thirty years pursuant to Sunnyvale City Charter Section 1604. The term of the current solid waste collection franchise with BCWS began on July 1, 1991 and will expire on June 30, 2021, a period of thirty years.
Given the public and environmental health significance of the work performed under this contract, it is important to plan for the continuation of these services in advance of the expiration of the current franchise.
Council Study Issue ESD18-02 (Attachment 1), Planning for Post-2021 Solid Waste & Recycling Collection Franchise, was created at the request of Councilmembers Griffith and Melton, and ranked by the Council for study. The study issue paper identified three basic options:
1. Place a Charter amendment on a future ballot that would modify the current 30-year franchise term limit if approved by voters
2. Conduct a competitive process to select a vendor; then award a new franchise and new agreement without changing the Charter
3. Conduct a single source process, then award a new franchise and agreement to the incumbent without changing the Charter
With research and assistance from HF&H Consultants, LLC and the City Attorney, staff presented study issue findings on the three options to Council in a June 12, 2018 stu...
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