Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 18-1118   
Type: Report to Board/Commission Status: Passed
Meeting Body: Planning Commission
On agenda: 4/8/2019
Title: CONTINUED FROM MARCH 25, 2019 Proposed Project: Related applications on a 34.7-acre site: REZONE: the site from M-S/ITR/R-3/PD (Industrial and Service/Industrial-to-Residential/Medium Density Residential/Planned Development) and M-S/ITR/R-3/PD (Industrial and Service/Industrial-to-Residential/High Density Residential/Planned Development) TO R-3/PD (Medium Density Residential/Planned Development) R-4/PD (High Density Residential Planned Development) and P-F (Public Facilities). SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: Demolish existing industrial/office buildings (formerly AMD campus) and construct 1,051 residential units, including 944 units in three to five-story apartment buildings and 107 units in three-story townhome style buildings. The unit count includes 45 apartment units for very low-income households and 13 below market rate townhome units. Public improvements include the dedication of a 6.5-acre public park, extension of Indian Wells Avenue to the east to connect with the Duane Avenue/S...
Attachments: 1. Reserved for Report to Council, 2. Site, Vicinity and Public Noticing Map, 3. Project Data Tables, 4. Recommended Findings, 5. Draft Rezoning Ordinance, 6. Draft Resolution to Certify the EIR, 7. Recommended Conditions of Approval, 8. Link to Site and Architectural Plans and TM, 9. Draft TDM Plan, 10. Link to DEIR, 11. Final EIR (FEIR) and Response to Comments, 12. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan, 13. Letter from Applicant, 14. Indian Wells Setback Deviations and Cross Section, 15. Indian Wells Street Rendering, 16. Summary of Environmental Impacts, 17. Link to Additional EIR Comment Letter, 18. City's Response to Additional EIR Comment Letter, 19. Letter of Support, 20. Errata-Minor Edits to MMRP, 21. Staff Presentation 20190408 (18-1118)
Related files: 19-0462

CONTINUED FROM MARCH 25, 2019 Proposed Project: Related applications on a 34.7-acre site:
REZONE: the site from M-S/ITR/R-3/PD (Industrial and Service/Industrial-to-Residential/Medium Density Residential/Planned Development) and M-S/ITR/R-3/PD (Industrial and Service/Industrial-to-Residential/High Density Residential/Planned Development) TO R-3/PD (Medium Density Residential/Planned Development) R-4/PD (High Density Residential Planned Development) and P-F (Public Facilities).
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: Demolish existing industrial/office buildings (formerly AMD campus) and construct 1,051 residential units, including 944 units in three to five-story apartment buildings and 107 units in three-story townhome style buildings. The unit count includes 45 apartment units for very low-income households and 13 below market rate townhome units. Public improvements include the dedication of a 6.5-acre public park, extension of Indian Wells Avenue to the east to connect with the Duane Avenue/Stewart Drive intersection, and associated public improvements. Requested deviations include reduced private useable open space and front setbacks on Indian Wells Avenue and Stewart Drive.
VESTING TENTATIVE MAP: Lot line adjustment between two existing lots and subdivide one lot into six lots, to create a total of seven lots.
Location:1 AMD Place (APNs: 205-22-024, 205-22-025), 975 Stewart Drive (205-22-028)
File #: 2016-8035
Zoning: Industrial Service/Industrial-to-Residential/Medium Density/Planned Development Zoning District (MS/ITR/R-3/PD) and Industrial Service/Industrial-to-Residential High Density Zoning District (MS/ITR/R-4/PD) Zoning District
Applicant / Owner: Irvine Company (applicant /owner)
Environmental Review: Adopt a resolution to make findings required by CEQA, certify the Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program.
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