Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 19-0761   
Type: Report to Board/Commission Status: Passed
Meeting Body: Planning Commission
On agenda: 9/9/2019
Title: CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 12, 2019 AND AUGUST 26, 2019. Proposed Project: MAJOR MOFFETT PARK DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT: to construct a new four-story 123,595 s.f. office building and associated site improvements resulting in a 47% FAR Location: 1389 Moffett Park Drive (APN: 110-37-002) File #: 2018-8050 Zoning: MP-I (Moffett Park Industrial) Applicant / Owner: RMW Architecture & Interiors (applicant) / WP Carey & Harvest Properties, Inc. (owner) Environmental Review: Mitigated Negative Declaration Project Planner: Ryan Kuchenig, 408-730-7431, rkuchenig@sunnyvale.ca.gov
Attachments: 1. Vicinity and Noticing Map, 2. Project Data Table, 3. Recommended Findings, 4. Standard Requirements and Recommended COAs, 5. Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study, 6. Site and Architectural Plans, 7. Applicant’s Responses to Study Session Comments, 8. Supplemental Information and Renderings, 9. Staff Presentation 20190909 (19-0761)






Proposed Project:                      

MAJOR MOFFETT PARK DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT: to construct a new four-story 123,595 s.f. office building and associated site improvements resulting in a 47% FAR

Location: 1389 Moffett Park Drive (APN: 110-37-002)

File #: 2018-8050

Zoning: MP-I (Moffett Park Industrial)

Applicant / Owner: RMW Architecture & Interiors (applicant) / WP Carey & Harvest Properties, Inc. (owner)

Environmental Review: Mitigated Negative Declaration

Project Planner: Ryan Kuchenig, 408-730-7431, rkuchenig@sunnyvale.ca.gov




General Plan: Moffett Park Specific Plan

Existing Site Conditions: Two-story R&D Office Building

Surrounding Land Uses

North: Baylands Park across Caribbean Drive

South: Office across Moffett Park Drive

East: Baylands Park across Caribbean Drive

West: Office

Issues: Floor Area Ratio

Staff Recommendation: Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve the Major Moffett Park Design Review Permit with the Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4.



Description of Proposed Project

The project includes the demolition of the existing two-story, approximately 92,000 square foot industrial office building and construction of an approximately 123,595 square foot 4-story office building. The subject property is situated at the corner of Caribbean Drive and Moffett Park Drive. The site is zoned Moffett Park Industrial (MP-I). The requested overall FAR of the project is 47% and will be designed as LEED Gold.


Major Moffett Park Design Review Permit: The site is zoned Moffett Park-Industrial (MP-I), which permits office, commercial and industrial developments by right at a standard FAR up to 35%. Per SMC 19.29.090, a Major Moffett Park Design Review (MP-DR) is required for site and architectural review of all permitted uses that request development above the standard FAR. The project is considered a Tier IV project based on the Moffett Park Specific Plan (MPSP)Guidelines. A public hearing is required per the discretion of the Director to provide a higher level of review for the environmental determination.


Previous Actions on the Site

A Use Permit for the existing building was approved in 1980 with completion of construction in 1981. Previous permits for the site include staff-level permits for exterior, landscaping and site improvements in the mid-1990s and 2000s.



General Plan Goals and Policies:

The Moffett Park Specific Plan implements the goals and policies of the General Plan for properties within the plan area. Research and development (R&D) and office uses are encouraged in the Moffett Park Specific Plan area. The proposed project will provide a corporate office use within proximity to surrounding office, R&D, and industrial uses in Moffett Park. Project improvements will update and enhance the character of the site, streetscape, and surroundings. The project also includes accessory uses for the benefit of onsite employees, including: recreational facilities, cafeterias, and outdoor seating. Staff determines that the project meets key objectives and purposes from the Moffett Park Specific Plan, as shown in Attachment 3.


The Moffett Park Specific Plan includes Design Guidelines that provide recommendations for; site planning, architecture, landscaping and site amenities, sustainable design, green building techniques, and artwork in private development. The Citywide Design Guidelines provide additional recommendations for site planning, architecture and design. Staff has determined the project is consistent with the Moffett Park Specific Plan and the Citywide Design Guidelines.


The General Plan designation is “Industrial,” which allows research and development, manufacturing, office, and heavy industrial uses. The proposed office provides jobs and promotes economic development to the area consistent with the zoning designation.


Specific findings related to the general site plan and architectural design are in Attachment 3.


Development Reserve

The Development Reserve is a key land use tool available for implementing the vision of the MPSP of redeveloping as a high technology office and R&D area with smart growth principles. The Development Reserve provides additional building square footage for individual projects within the MP-I and MP-TOD zones. Approved access to the reserve permits a project to exceed the standard FAR limitation of the site and can be used to allow up to the maximum FAR level of the underlying zone. The additional square footage and corresponding level of project intensity is intended to act as an incentive for the redevelopment of underutilized sites with targeted growth. Access to the Development Reserve is based on compliance with the MPSP Green Building incentive program (subject to Planning Commission approval of site plan and architecture).


The original Development Reserve total in 2003 was 5,440,000 square feet. The allocation of the Development Reserve is on a first-come first-serve basis and is currently at 137,493 square feet. If this project is approved, the remaining development reserve would be 105,766 square feet available to all other sites in the MPSP. Staff notes that the additional 10% FAR requested under the Green Building incentives is also deducted from the Development Reserve.



A Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) provisions and City guidelines (see Attachment 5). An Initial Study determined that construction of the proposed project has the potential to result in significant effects on Noise (construction noise), Cultural Resources (possible discovery of resources during excavation), Air quality (during construction), and Biological Resources (bird nesting season). Implementing mitigation measures during the construction would reduce these impacts to less than significant. Mitigation Measures have been incorporated as Conditions of Approval (see Attachment 4).



Surrounding Uses and Setting

The project site is located at the northeast corner of the Moffett Park Specific Plan Area. The property borders Caribbean Drive along the northwest frontage and Moffett Park Drive to the south. Office buildings to the west and south are occupied by Cepheid. Honeywell Electronic Materials occupies a building southwest of the site.


The surrounding MPSP area is developed with office, technology, research and development, and corporate space. Most of the immediate neighboring properties were constructed in the ‘80s or early ‘90s. These properties are located within the MPSP and share the same zoning designation of Moffett Park Industrial (MP-I). The project site is located adjacent to a bus stop operated by the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and approximately 0.9 miles away from both the Crossman or Tasman and Vienna light rail station stop.


Site and Building Layout

The six-acre site is triangular and located at the intersection of Caribbean Drive and Moffett Park Drive. The building is positioned at the north end of the site with a surface parking lot located entirely behind the building to the south. The primary building entrance for employees is located towards the interior of the site off the parking lot. Additional entrances are positioned at the north and south ends of the building which open to amenity areas. One of the two existing driveway access points off Caribbean Drive will be eliminated. A driveway to an existing private road (Twin Creeks Drive) off Caribbean Drive will be retained, which is shared with the neighboring property. Two access points off Moffett Park Drive would be provided (including an entrance to the private drive).


Amenity areas are positioned around the building on three sides. The amenity areas are intended for potential dining, recreational and meeting areas for employees. Existing mature trees are mostly being preserved along each of the property boundaries near the public street frontages. The site will be graded approximately six feet higher than the current grade to meet the FEMA flood elevation requirement. A trash enclosure is planned along the parking aisle closest to the building off one of the private drive (Twin Creeks Drive) entrances.


Although not part of the current application at this time, the applicant has indicated a future plans for the site to construct an additional office building and parking structure closer to the street intersection of Caribbean Drive and Moffett Park Drive. This plan may be considered at a future date depending on the completion of the updated Moffett Park Specific Plan. The plan also indicates the possibility of developing residential units within a converted parking structure.



The proposed four-story building is generally rectangular in form with projecting areas along each of the longer sides of the building. Along the east side of the building facing the street, the second and third stories cantilever over the first floor. Angled portions of the building at the main entrance are carried through each of the first three floors. Although, described as a four-story building, the fourth floor is roughly only two-thirds the size of the bottom three floors. A roof deck can be accessed off the fourth floor (on top of the third floor) on the north, south and west sides of the building. 


Susequent to the Planning Commission study session on June 24, 2019, the applicant revised the plans to increase the use of glass material (floor to ceiling) and minimizing the amount of exposed mullion caps within each story. The vertical mullion caps have been removed and horizontal extended mullion caps were added to the upper floor lines (floors 2 through 4). The opaque spandrel glass has been reduced while increasing the transparent vision glass. The revised design results in a much more energy efficient building. The use of wood canopies were not modified and remain at each of the entrances as well as a trellis feature near the main entrance that extends almost the full height of the building. Metal roof paneling is utilized for screening on top of the building. 


Staff has worked with the applicant to enhance all building sides architecturally, especially along Caribbean Drive. A wood soffit material is utilized under the projecting second floor along this frontage. Due to the raised level of the building to address the higher flood plain, this feature material becomes more readily visible from the pedestrian level at the sidewalk and street. The roof deck and amenity areas adjacent to the building will include trellises and dining furnishings composed of a combination of wood, metal and composite materials. Trellis and tree planting provide ample shading for these areas.  


The height of the building is approximately 66’ from grade; however, it reaches a peak of 74’ 5” to the top of the roof, as measured from top of the curb. This increase in height is due to the necessary amount of grading to raise this portion of the site out of the flood plain.   



The project proposes 409 parking spaces where a minimum of 408 total auto parking spaces (3.3 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area) are required per MPSP for research and development and corporate office uses. The project has also submitted a preliminary Transportation Demand Management (TDM) plan indicating a 20% total trip reduction and a 25% peak hour trip reduction.  A final TDM plan is required per Conditions of Approval.


Electric vehicle charging spaces would be provided to meet the Municipal Code’s three percent requirement. The Moffett Park Specific Plan also requires a minimum of one bicycle parking space per 6,000 square gross floor area (75 percent Class I and 25 percent Class II space). The project provides a total of 22 bicycle parking spaces (17 secured), where the minimum required is 21 spaces (16 secured). In addition, bicycle amenities will be provided onsite including shower and changing facilities within the building.


Landscaping and Tree Preservation

The project exceeds the minimum landscaped area requirement with approximately 89,498 square feet of landscaping (34 percent of the project site), where a minimum of 20 percent of the site is required to be landscaped. Trees are proposed throughout the surface parking lot to demonstrate compliance with the 50 percent parking lot shading requirement.


The project provides a 10’ wide public bicycle and pedestrian lane along the entire Caribbean Drive frontage as envisioned for the plan area. The path will be approximately 18’6” away from the street curb. New and existing mature trees are positioned between the path and the building as well as along Moffett Park Drive. 


An arborist report was provided, which evaluated the health and disposition of 96 trees on the project site, 59 of which are protected trees under the City’s Municipal Code. Approximately a quarter of the trees on the project site are ornamental cherry trees.  Approximately one half of the trees are either Shamel Ash, Canary Island Pine or Black Acacia. The remaining species consist of European Olive, American Sweet Gum, Chinese Pistache, Crabapple, and Crape Myrtle. The project proposes to remove 68 trees (including 32 protected trees) due to conflict with the proposed site and off-site improvements and low suitability for preservation. The City’s Tree Replacement Standards require a minimum of 96 24-inch box trees to be planted to offset the loss of protected trees. The proposed project includes 253 new 24-inch box trees.


Green Building

The proposed FAR for the site is approximately 47%, which can be requested through green building incentives (LEED Gold w/ USGBC certification). The project has provided a preliminary checklist indicating that the project achieves 63 points which meets the LEED Gold standard. Per Conditions of Approval, a final checklist with USGBC certification is required to be provided.


Stormwater Management

The Municipal Permit for stormwater discharge requires all treatment be achieved through Low Impact Development (LID) measures such as infiltration, harvesting use and biofiltration and limits the use of mechanical treatment. A preliminary Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) has been provided, which demonstrates compliance with LID requirements by incorporating bioretention areas into landscaped areas which include both planting and pervious pavement. A third-party certification of a final SWMP is required prior to issuance of building permits.


Art in Private Development

The Sunnyvale Municipal Code requires that all new development on sites over two acres in size to include public artwork. The public art requirement will be based on 1% of construction valuation of the project. The art may be provided or an in-lieu fee equal to 1.1% of the construction valuation (SMC 19.52) could be paid. The artwork will be considered by the City’s Arts Commission for approval at a later date.


Easements and Undergrounding

All utilities are required to be placed underground. The project is required to provide the necessary right-of-way easements for public sidewalks. A driveway and two-way private road easement shared with the neighboring property along the north boundary line will be preserved as part of this project.


Development Standards

The project complies with the applicable development standards in the Municipal Code and Moffett Park Specific Plan, such as lot coverage, setbacks, parking and landscaping. The Project Data Table in Attachment 2 summarizes the project’s compliance with code standards.



Normal fees and taxes are expected. Standard fees for higher intensity office development projects in Sunnyvale include Transportation Impact Fees and Housing Mitigation Fees as well as all building permit related fees and taxes.


Transportation Impact Fee

Projects resulting in new peak hour automobile trips are subject to a transportation impact fee. The transportation impact fee is estimated to be $202,259.63 and must be paid prior to issuance of a building permit. The amount is subject to the fee in place at the time of payment.


Housing Impact Fee

Housing impact fees are required for all new construction of commercial, industrial, research and development, office, retail and hotel/motel development projects, regardless of zoning designation of the project site. This project is subject to a Housing Mitigation Fee of $317,245.50. The amount is subject to the fee in place at the time of payment.



As of the date of staff report preparation, staff has received no public comments.


Planning Commission Study Session: Staff presented the project to the Planning Commission at a study session on June 24, 2019. The Commission members were generally supportive of the use and overall architectural design. Comments and concerns were noted regarding the flood plain, landscaping selection and feature materials, shading of outdoor spaces, amount of pervious paving and bike lane. The applicant has provided a response to these comments in Attachment 7. As stated in the “Architecture” section of this report, enhancements to the building façade have been made in the form of increased glass material and reduction of metal paneling for a more energy efficient and transparent building design. Trees are also positioned within several amenity locations to increase shading of outdoor space.


Community Outreach Meeting

The applicant held a community outreach meeting on June 17, 2019 at a nearby site located at 1300 Chesapeake Terrace (Country Inn & Suites by Radisson). The applicant sent notices to property owners and tenants within 2,000 feet of the project site in advance of the meeting. There was one attendee at the meeting.


Notice of Mitigated Negative Declaration and Public Hearing

                     Published in the Sun newspaper

                     Posted on the site

                     66 notices were mailed to property owners and tenants within 2,000 feet of the project as shown in Attachment 1


Staff Report

                     Posted on the City of Sunnyvale’s web site

                     Provided at the Reference Section of the City of Sunnyvale’s Public Library



                     Posted on the City’s official notice bulletin board

                     Provided at the Reference Section of the City of Sunnyvale’s Public Library



1. Approve the Major Moffett Park Design Review Permit with recommended Conditions in Attachment 4.

2. Approve the Major Moffett Park Design Review Permit with modifications.

3. Deny the Major Moffett Park Design Review Permit.




Alternative 1. Approve the Major Moffett Park Design Review Permit with recommended Conditions in Attachment 4.



Prepared by: Ryan Kuchenig, Senior Planner

Reviewed by: Michelle King, Principal Planner

Approved by: Andrew Miner, Assistant Director, Community Development


1. Vicinity and Noticing Map

2. Project Data Table

3. Recommended Findings

4. Standard Requirements and Recommended Conditions of Approval

5. Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study

6. Site and Architectural Plans

7. Applicant’s Responses to Study Session Comments

8. Supplemental Information and Renderings